Lines Matching refs:get

61 /******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
436 …if (this.isViewerEmbedded && _app_options.AppOptions.get('externalLinkTarget') === _pdfjsLib.LinkT…
477 if (!(_app_options.AppOptions.get('disablePreferences') === true)) {
527 if (_app_options.AppOptions.get('pdfBugEnabled')) {
634 locale: _app_options.AppOptions.get('locale')
668 …onfig.eventBus || (0, _ui_utils.getGlobalEventBus)(_app_options.AppOptions.get('eventBusDispatchTo…
675 externalLinkTarget: _app_options.AppOptions.get('externalLinkTarget'),
676 externalLinkRel: _app_options.AppOptions.get('externalLinkRel')
680 disableCreateObjectURL: _app_options.AppOptions.get('disableCreateObjectURL')
698 renderer: _app_options.AppOptions.get('renderer'),
699 enableWebGL: _app_options.AppOptions.get('enableWebGL'),
701 textLayerMode: _app_options.AppOptions.get('textLayerMode'),
702 imageResourcesPath: _app_options.AppOptions.get('imageResourcesPath'),
703 renderInteractiveForms: _app_options.AppOptions.get('renderInteractiveForms'),
704 enablePrintAutoRotate: _app_options.AppOptions.get('enablePrintAutoRotate'),
705 useOnlyCssZoom: _app_options.AppOptions.get('useOnlyCssZoom'),
706 maxCanvasPixels: _app_options.AppOptions.get('maxCanvasPixels')
727 cursorToolOnLoad: _app_options.AppOptions.get('cursorToolOnLoad')
814 get pagesCount() {
822 get page() {
826 get printing() {
830 get supportsPrinting() {
834 get supportsFullscreen() {
846 get supportsIntegratedFind() {
850 get supportsDocumentFonts() {
854 get supportsDocumentColors() {
858 get loadingBar() {
863 get supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys() {
1040 …loadingErrorMessage = _this2.l10n.get('invalid_file_error', null, 'Invalid or corrupted PDF file.'…
1042 … loadingErrorMessage = _this2.l10n.get('missing_file_error', null, 'Missing PDF file.');
1044 …loadingErrorMessage = _this2.l10n.get('unexpected_response_error', null, 'Unexpected server respon…
1046 …loadingErrorMessage = _this2.l10n.get('loading_error', null, 'An error occurred while loading the …
1101 var moreInfoText = [this.l10n.get('error_version_info', {
1107 moreInfoText.push(this.l10n.get('error_message', {
1112 moreInfoText.push(this.l10n.get('error_stack', {
1117 moreInfoText.push(this.l10n.get('error_file', {
1123 moreInfoText.push(this.l10n.get('error_line', {
1178 …is.pdfDocument.loadingParams['disableAutoFetch'] : _app_options.AppOptions.get('disableAutoFetch');
1253 viewOnLoad = _app_options.AppOptions.get('viewOnLoad');
1262 zoom = _app_options.AppOptions.get('defaultZoomValue');
1265 sidebarView = _app_options.AppOptions.get('sidebarViewOnLoad');
1266 scrollMode = _app_options.AppOptions.get('scrollModeOnLoad');
1267 spreadMode = _app_options.AppOptions.get('spreadModeOnLoad');
1354 if (!labels || _app_options.AppOptions.get('disablePageLabels')) {
1435 …']' + ' (PDF.js: ' + (_pdfjsLib.version || '-') + (_app_options.AppOptions.get('enableWebGL') ? ' …
1439 var title = metadata.get('dc:title');
1469 if (_app_options.AppOptions.get('disableHistory') || this.isViewerEmbedded) {
1476 updateUrl: _app_options.AppOptions.get('historyUpdateUrl')
1563 …this.l10n.get('printing_not_supported', null, 'Warning: Printing is not fully supported by ' + 'th…
1570 …this.l10n.get('printing_not_ready', null, 'Warning: The PDF is not fully loaded for printing.').th…
1778 …PDFViewerApplication.l10n.get('loading_error', null, 'An error occurred while loading the PDF.').t…
1790 _pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = _app_options.AppOptions.get('workerSrc');
1812 file = 'file' in params ? params.file : _app_options.AppOptions.get('defaultUrl');
1886 …PDFViewerApplication.l10n.get('loading_error', null, 'An error occurred while loading the PDF.').t…
1938 …PDFViewerApplication.l10n.get('rendering_error', null, 'An error occurred while rendering the page…
2086 if (_pdfjsLib.URL.createObjectURL && !_app_options.AppOptions.get('disableCreateObjectURL')) {
3301 get: function get() {
3307 get: function get() {
3483 get: function () {
3501 function get(_x, _x2, _x3) {
3505 return get;
4165 get: function get() {
4406 value: function get(name) {
4650 get: function get() {
5251 …this.l10n.get('toggle_sidebar_notification.title', null, 'Toggle Sidebar (document contains outlin…
5309 this.l10n.get('toggle_sidebar.title', null, 'Toggle Sidebar').then(function (msg) {
5376 get: function get() {
5381 get: function get() {
5386 get: function get() {
5391 get: function get() {
5678 get: function get() {
5751 … promptString = _this2.l10n.get('password_invalid', null, 'Invalid password. Please try again.');
5753 …promptString = _this2.l10n.get('password_label', null, 'Enter the password to open this PDF file.'…
6240 return _context.abrupt("return", this.l10n.get('document_properties_kb', {
6246 return _context.abrupt("return", this.l10n.get('document_properties_mb', {
6329 … pageName = this.l10n.get('document_properties_page_size_name_' + name.toLowerCase(), null, name);
6332get('document_properties_page_size_unit_' + (this._isNonMetricLocale ? 'inches' : 'millimeters'), …
6341 …return _this3.l10n.get('document_properties_page_size_dimension_' + (name ? 'name_' : '') + 'strin…
6385 return _context3.abrupt("return", this.l10n.get('document_properties_date_string', {
6407 …return this.l10n.get('document_properties_linearized_' + (isLinearized ? 'yes' : 'no'), null, isLi…
6540 findMsg = this.l10n.get('find_not_found', null, 'Phrase not found');
6546 …findMsg = this.l10n.get('find_reached_top', null, 'Reached top of document, continued from bottom'…
6548 …findMsg = this.l10n.get('find_reached_bottom', null, 'Reached end of document, continued from top'…
6583 matchesCountMsg = this.l10n.get('find_match_count_limit', {
6587 matchesCountMsg = this.l10n.get('find_match_count', {
7359 get: function get() {
7364 get: function get() {
7369 get: function get() {
7374 get: function get() {
7379 get: function get() {
7384 get: function get() {
8019 get: function get() {
8419 get: function get() {
8424 get: function get() {
8432 get: function get() {
8553 get: function get() {
8558 get: function get() {
8564 get: function get() {
9283 get: function get() {
9455 get: function get() {
9717 get: function get() {
9848 this.l10n.get('thumb_page_title', {
9985 this.l10n.get('thumb_page_canvas', {
9998 this.l10n.get('thumb_page_canvas', {
10140 this.l10n.get('thumb_page_title', {
10150 this.l10n.get('thumb_page_canvas', {
10162 get: function get() {
10205get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = …
10314 get: function get() {
11244 get: function get() {
11249 get: function get() {
11254 get: function get() {
11272 get: function get() {
11296 get: function get() {
11312 get: function get() {
11324 get: function get() {
11364 get: function get() {
11369 get: function get() {
11374 get: function get() {
11379 get: function get() {
11384 get: function get() {
11389 get: function get() {
11394 get: function get() {
11409 get: function get() {
11431 get: function get() {
11874 var relativeRotation = this.viewport.rotation - this.paintedViewportMap.get(target).rotation;
12251 get: function get() {
12256 get: function get() {
13025 get: function get() {
13063get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = …
13191 get: function get() {
13196 get: function get() {
13385 this.l10n.get('of_pages', {
13397 this.l10n.get('page_of_pages', {
13412 this.l10n.get('page_scale_percent', {
13688 function get(_x4, _x5) {
13692 return get;
14186 function get(_x5) {
14190 return get;
14457 return _context3.abrupt("return", l10n.get(property, args, fallback));
14467 function get(_x, _x2, _x3) {
14471 return get;
15280 get: function get(key, args, fallbackString) {
15369 var PRINT_RESOLUTION = _app_options.AppOptions.get('printResolution') || 150;
15513 get active() {
15580 l10n.get('print_progress_percent', {