Lines Matching refs:title

16 previous.title=Hello Ɓennungo
18 next.title=Hello faango
21 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (page.title): The tooltip for the pageNumber input.
22 page.title=Hello
31 zoom_out.title=Lonngo Woɗɗa
33 zoom_in.title=Lonngo Ara
35 zoom.title=Lonngo
36 presentation_mode.title=Faytu to Presentation Mode
38 open_file.title=Uddit Fiilde
40 print.title=Winndito
42 download.title=Aawto
44 bookmark.title=Jiytol gonangol (natto walla uddit e henorde)
48 tools.title=Kuutorɗe
50 first_page.title=Yah to hello adanngo
53 last_page.title=Yah to hello wattindiingo
56 page_rotate_cw.title=Yiiltu Faya Ñaamo
59 page_rotate_ccw.title=Yiiltu Faya Nano
63 cursor_text_select_tool.title=Gollin kaɓirgel cuɓirgel binndi
65 cursor_hand_tool.title=Hurmin kuutorgal junngo
68 scroll_vertical.title=Huutoro gorwitol daringol
70 scroll_horizontal.title=Huutoro gorwitol lelingol
72 scroll_wrapped.title=Huutoro gorwitol coomingol
75 spread_none.title=Hoto tawtu kelle kelle
77 spread_odd.title=Tawtu kelle puɗɗortooɗe kelle teelɗe
79 spread_even.title=Tawtu ɗereeji kelle puɗɗoriiɗi kelle teeltuɗe
83 document_properties.title=Keeroraaɗi Winndannde…
137 # (the _label strings are alt text for the buttons, the .title strings are
139 toggle_sidebar.title=Toggilo Palal Sawndo
140 toggle_sidebar_notification.title=Palal sawndo (dokimaa oo ina waɗi taarngo/cinnde)
142 document_outline.title=Hollu Ƴiyal Fiilannde (dobdobo ngam wertude/taggude teme fof)
144 attachments.title=Hollu Ɗisanɗe
146 thumbs.title=Hollu Dooɓe
148 findbar.title=Yiylo e fiilannde
159 # Find panel button title and messages
160 find_input.title=Yiytu
162 find_previous.title=Yiylo cilol ɓennugol konngol ngol
164 find_next.title=Yiylo cilol garowol konngol ngol