Lines Matching +defs:class +defs:id

11 class helper_plugin_pagelist extends DokuWiki_Plugin
34 * For each row an array is added which must contain at least the key 'id', can further contain as well :
50 * @var bool enables sorting. If no sortkey was given, 'id' is used.
67 private $defaultSortKey = 'id';
100 * These can be overriden by plugins using this class
178 'params' => ["page attributes, 'id' required, others optional" => 'array'],
193 * - th($col, &$class=null) or th()
194 * - td($id, $col=null, &$class=null) or td($id)
340 $class = 'inline';
343 $class = 'ul';
346 $class = false;
349 $class = 'pagelist';
352 if ($class) {
353 $class .= ' plgn__pglist';
355 $class .= ' ' . $callerClass;
357 $this->doc = '<div class="table"><table class="' . $class . '">';
389 $this->doc .= '<th class="images">' . $this->header['image'] . '</th>';
397 $this->doc .= '<th class="' . $col . '">' . $this->header[$col] . '</th>';
405 $this->header[$col] = hsc($this->$plugin->th($col, $class));
407 $this->doc .= '<th class="' . $col . '">' . $this->header[$col] . '</th>';
417 * (required) Add page row to the list, call for every row. In the $page array is 'id' required, other entries are optional.
420 * 'id' => (required) string page id
421 * 'title' => string First headline, otherwise page id; exception: if titleimage is used this is used for the image title&alt attribute
422 * 'titleimage' => string media id
428 * 'exists' => bool page_exists($id)
429 * 'perm' => int auth_quickaclcheck($id)
432 * 'class' => string class set for each row
433 * 'file' => string wikiFN($id)
434 * 'section' => string id of section, added as #ancher to page url
436 * @return bool, false if no id given
440 $id = $page['id'];
441 if (!$id) return false;
449 $this->getPageData($id);
465 $sortKey = $this->getSortKey($id);
518 $id = $this->page['id'];
522 if (page_exists($id)) {
523 $class = 'wikilink1';
525 $class = 'wikilink2';
529 $this->page['title'] = str_replace('_', ' ', noNS($id));
533 $content = '<a href="' . wl($id) . '" class="' . $class . '" title="' . $id . '">' . $title . '</a>';
541 $class = '';
543 $class .= 'priority' . $this->page['priority'] . ' ';
546 $class .= 'draft ';
548 if (!empty($this->page['class'])) {
549 $class .= $this->page['class'];
552 if (!empty($class)) {
553 $class = ' class="' . $class . '"';
556 $this->doc .= '<tr' . $class . '>';
559 $this->printPluginCell('pageimage', 'image', $id);
561 $this->printPageCell($id);
573 $this->printDiffCell($id);
581 $this->printPluginCell($plugin, $col, $id);
634 * @param string $id page id displayed in this table row
637 protected function printPageCell($id)
640 $class = 'wikilink1';
642 $class = 'wikilink2';
647 $title = '<img src="' . ml($this->page['titleimage']) . '" class="media"';
658 $content = '<a href="' . wl($id) . $section . '" class="' . $class . '" title="' . $id . '" data-wiki-id="' . $id . '">' . $title . '</a>';
726 * @param string $id page id displayed in this table row
729 protected function printDiffCell($id)
734 $this->page['file'] = wikiFN($id);
742 $url = wl($id, $url_params) . (!empty($this->page['section']) ? '#' . $this->page['section'] : '');
743 $content = '<a href="' . $url . '" class="diff_link">
763 * @param string $id page id displayed in this table row
766 protected function printPluginCell($plugin, $col, $id)
769 $this->page[$col] = $this->$plugin->td($id, $col);
777 * @param string $class class per td
781 protected function printCell($class, $content)
789 $this->doc .= '<td class="' . $class . '">' . $content . '</td>';
803 if (empty($this->page['exists']) || empty($this->page['id'])) {
807 $this->meta = p_get_metadata($this->page['id'], '', METADATA_RENDER_USING_CACHE);
820 * @param string $id page id
822 private function getPageData($id)
827 $this->page['file'] = wikiFN($id);
839 $this->page['title'] = str_replace('_', ' ', noNSorNS($id));
935 * @param string $id page id
938 private function getSortKey($id)
948 $this->getPageData($id);
950 $this->page['pagename'] = noNS($id);
955 $pos = strrpos($id, ':');
957 $sortkey = "\0" . $id;
959 $sortkey = substr_replace($id, "\0\0", $pos, 1);
979 $this->page[$col] = $this->$plugin->td($id, $col);