Lines Matching +full:type +full:. +full:media +(+path:plugin +path:multiorphan) -(+path:plugin +path:multiorphan +path:lang)

5  * @license GPL 2
6 * @author i-net software <>
71 $type = 'both'; //$INPUT->str('type');
74 if ( $type == 'both' || $type == 'pages') {
86 if ( $type == 'both' || $type == 'media') {
87 $media = array();
88 search($media,$conf['mediadir'],'search_media',array(
91 'pattern' => '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', trim($INPUT->str('filter'))) . '/'
93 array_walk($media, array($this, '__map_ids'));
98 'media' => $media
141 'error' => 'I do not know what to do.'
159 * Checks a page for the contained links and media.
160 * Returns an array: page|media => array of ids with count
168 $links = array('pages' => array(), 'media' => array(), 'href' => wl($id) );
196 // If prevented, this is definitely an orphan.
197 …if (!is_null($data['type']) || (in_array($ins[0], $this->checkInstructions) && $evt->advise_before…
214 'type' => $this->getInternalMediaType($instructions[0]),
222 if ( !$data || is_null($data['type'])) {
223 // still not media type so ignore the entry.
237 $data['type'] = 'pages';
240 if (( !is_bool($data['exists']) || !$data['exists']) && $data['type'] == 'media') {
257 $itemIndex = $mid . (!empty($hash) ? '#'.$hash : '');
258 if (!isset($links[$data['type']][$itemIndex])) {
259 $links[$data['type']][$itemIndex] = array(
260 'href' => $this->hrefForType( $data['type'], $itemIndex),
265 …$links[$data['type']][$itemIndex]['amount'] += (is_bool($data['exists']) && $data['exists']) ? 1 :…
302 $data['type'] = 'pages';
333 * Handles unknown instructions using the Event.
357 $httpClient->keep_alive = false; // just close it already.
362 $event->data['type'] = 'urls';
376 $event->data['type'] = 'media';
383 $event->data['type'] = 'pages';
387 $event->data['type'] = $this->getInternalMediaType($instructions[1][4]);
391 $event->data['type'] = $this->getInternalMediaType($instructions[1][1]);
397 $event->data['type'] = 'media';
403 $event->data['type'] = 'media';
425 @include_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../inc/MultiOrphanDummyRenderer.php");
431 …return in_array($ins, $this->mediaInstructions) ? 'media' : (in_array($ins, $this->pagesInstructio…
434 private function hrefForType( $type, $id ) { argument
435 switch( $type ) {
440 $hash = '#' . $this->renderer->_headerToLink( $hash );
443 return wl($link) . $hash;
446 case 'media':