Lines Matching refs:issues

44     -   `<col>` now supports the `vertical-align` option, defaulting to top [#30]( Thanks EmmaKnijn.
49 - Fix missing default options of height and width in nav element [#29]( Thanks armandostyl.
53 - Fix a LESS compiliation error introduced in [#26]( Thanks WetenSchaap.
62 - Fixed pagination when using nice urls, rewrites and slashes [#26]( Thanks armandostyl.
64 - Fixed up some border radius issues and dark mode theming on pagination element.
96 - Fixed small tag not being inline [#22]( Thanks Rayaqu
101 - Fixed card height issues on smaller viewports.
102 - Fixed columns not stacking on small viewports when using sizing. [#21]( Thanks armandostyl
106 - Fixed spacing issues with listgroup items with mixed styles. [#20]( Thanks armandostyl
110 - Added Nav item to create dropdown navigation items. [#18]( Thanks armandostyl
129 - Fixed accordian not rendering tables inside itself [#15]( Thanks Melphios
137 - Fix Carousel not containing image by default [#14]( Thanks eFreshman
141 - Fix Struct Plugin Aggregation [#13]( Thanks eFreshman
159 - Button outline styling fix [#12](
170 - Fixed Card element overflow issues. Cards will now be their own height when inside a row element. To force cards to all be the same height, wrap each card in a col element
178 - Fixed images not always being contained within elements such as card headers [#9](
182 - Added support for custom element types and styling [#6](
185 - Fixed a dokuwiki rendering issue in card bodies [#7](
186 - Fixed a text alignment not being applied in alerts [#8](