Lines Matching refs:xdebug

1312             	$this->xdebug("parsing attribute:");
1370 $this->xdebug('processing named complexType '.$attrs['name']);
1383 $this->xdebug('complexType is unusual array');
1390 …$this->xdebug('processing unnamed complexType for element ' . $this->currentElement . ' named ' . …
1403 $this->xdebug('complexType is unusual array');
1416 $this->xdebug("processing typed element ".$attrs['name']." of type ".$attrs['type']);
1420 $this->xdebug('used default namespace to make type ' . $attrs['type']);
1431 $this->xdebug('arrayType for unusual array is ' . $attrs['type']);
1437 $this->xdebug("processing element as ref to ".$attrs['ref']);
1442 $this->xdebug("processing untyped element " . $attrs['name'] . ' type ' . $type);
1448 $this->xdebug("add element $ename to complexType $this->currentComplexType");
1451 $this->xdebug("add element $ename to elements array");
1457 $this->xdebug('enumeration ' . $attrs['value']);
1465 $this->xdebug('extension ' . $attrs['base']);
1485 $this->xdebug('restriction ' . $attrs['base']);
1513 $this->xdebug("processing simpleType for name " . $attrs['name']);
1520 …$this->xdebug('processing unnamed simpleType for element ' . $this->currentElement . ' named ' . $…
1557 …$this->xdebug('done processing complexType ' . ($this->currentComplexType ? $this->currentComplexT…
1562 …$this->xdebug('done processing element ' . ($this->currentElement ? $this->currentElement : '(unkn…
1566 …$this->xdebug('done processing simpleType ' . ($this->currentSimpleType ? $this->currentSimpleType…
1706 function xdebug($string){ function in nusoap_xmlschema
1765 $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found complexType $type");
1768 $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found simpleType $type");
1776 $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found type for simpleType $type:");
1777 $this->xdebug($this->varDump($etype));
1788 $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found element $type");
1795 $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found type for element $type:");
1796 $this->xdebug($this->varDump($etype));
1819 $this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, did not find $type");
1951 $this->xdebug("addComplexType $name:");
1976 $this->xdebug("addSimpleType $name:");
1994 $this->xdebug("addElement " . $attrs['name']);