Lines Matching +full:option +full:- +full:macros +(+path:plugin +path:katex) -(+path:plugin +path:katex +path:lang)

8  * @license GPLv3
9 * @author H.-H. PENG (Hsins) <>
24 $controller->register_hook( 'DOKUWIKI_STARTED', 'BEFORE', $this, 'setup_options' );
31 $JSINFO['plugins']['katex']['options']['output'] = $this->_get_option_output();
32 $JSINFO['plugins']['katex']['options']['delimiters'] = $this->_get_option_delimiters();
33 … $JSINFO['plugins']['katex']['options']['ignored-tags'] = $this->_get_option_ignored_tags();
34 … $JSINFO['plugins']['katex']['options']['ignored-classes'] = $this->_get_option_ignored_classes();
35 … $JSINFO['plugins']['katex']['options']['throwonerror'] = $this->_get_option_throwonerror();
36 … $JSINFO['plugins']['katex']['options']['error-color'] = $this->_get_option_error_color();
37 $JSINFO['plugins']['katex']['options']['macros'] = $this->_get_option_macros();
42 $conf_option_output = $this->getConf( 'option-output' );
56 $conf_option_delimiters = $this->getConf( 'option-delimiters' );
64 $log_title = '[KaTeX] Invalid Configuration Value ("option-delimiters")';
67 ---
69 ---
71 …The value of \"option-delimiters\" option should be mutiple lines of string in '{ \"left\": \"<LEF…
83 …_OPTION_IGNORED_TAGS = array( "script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "option" );
84 $conf_option_ignored_tags = $this->getConf( 'option-ignored-tags' );
92 $log_title = '[KaTeX] Invalid Configuration Value ("option-ignored-tags")';
95 ---
97 ---
99 …The value of \"option-ignored-tags\" option should be a string containing tags separated by comma.…
112 $conf_option_ignored_classes = $this->getConf( 'option-ignored-classes' );
120 $log_title = '[KaTeX] Invalid Configuration Value ("option-ignored-tags")';
123 ---
125 ---
127 …The value of \"option-ignored-classes\" option should be a string containing tags separated by com…
139 $conf_option_throwonerror = $this->getConf( 'option-throwonerror' );
149 $conf_option_error_color = $this->getConf( 'option-error-color' );
152 if ( !preg_match( '/^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$/i', $value_option_error_color ) ) {
153 $log_title = '[KaTeX] Invalid Configuration Value ("option-error-color")';
156 ---
158 ---
160 …The value of \"option-error-color\" option should be in HEX3/HEX6 color code format. e.g. \"#04aa6…
180 $conf_option_macros = $this->getConf( 'option-macros' );
188 $log_title = '[KaTeX] Invalid Configuration Value ("option-macros")';
191 ---
193 ---
195 …The value of \"option-macros\" option should be mutiple lines of string in '{ \"command\": \"<COMM…