Lines Matching refs:getID3

2 /// getID3() by James Heinrich <>               //
5 // also //
8 // changelog.txt - part of getID3() //
230 » getID3() is now licensed under GPL / LGPL / MozillaPL / gCL
332 * Bugfix: replace $this::VERSION with getID3::VERSION in
338 * Default getID3 encoding now set to UTF-8 not ISO-8859-1
362 ¤ GETID3_VERSION constant replaced with $getID3->version()
420 * getID3 constructor no longer checks for (or sets) timezone
452 » magic_quotes_gpc must now be disabled to use getID3
474 * magic_quotes_runtime must now be disabled to use getID3
519 note: users of PHP v4.x may need to stay with getID3 v1.7.x
651 flag is set, getID3() now calculates these values in other
855 for most users of getID3()
858 » Included new demo showing most-basic getID3() usage
900 Force getID3() to abort if Shorten files have ID3 or APE tags
1022 » Added option to allow getID3() to skip ID3v2 without parsing it
1031 ¤ Added option_no_iconv option to allow getID3() to work
1073 "getID3()-WindowsSupport" to work under Windows.
1262 It also is more library-like. Older versions of getID3() declared
1268 » Made getID3() depend on iconv library: compile PHP --with-iconv
1271 Moved all getID3() files to getid3/
1419 match values from previous versions of getID3() - the previous
1532 » New official mirror site for getID3() -
1576 getID3() cannot determine average bitrate. If you know of
1627 for Lyrics3 v1)). getID3() now correctly parses these tags and
1641 versions of getID3()
1780 in this or future versions of getID3().
1790 and placed in the getID3()
1794 getID3(), but this may result in an incorrect value for md5_data
1808 and placed in the getID3() directory.
1854 prevent getID3() from correctly parsing the file are returned in
1944 string with the current getID3() version.
1977 ¤ ZIP files are now parsed by getID3() itself without relying on
1991 RIFF audio codec has wFormatTag of "85" (identified by getID3()
2156 frame (getID3() scans up to the first 1000 frames and assumes
2309 OggWrite() function and offering it for inclusion in getID3()
2360 » getID3() now requires PHP v4.1.0 or higher because it now is
2416 and data is "getID3() v[version] ("
2467 auto-detection of getID3() (ex: an MP3 wrapped in a RIFF/WAV
2534 yet an option, but hopefully in a future version of getID3()
2565 non-synchsafe-integer framesizes, getID3() now checks for this and
2636 would crash getID3()