Lines Matching refs:time

200 					play(myStatus.pausePosition);// Must pass time or the seek time is never set.
204 pause(myStatus.pausePosition);// Must pass time or the stream.time is read.
209 // Illegal seek time
283 …// Under RTMP, this event code occurs every time the media starts playing and when a new position …
378 {// Important for setMedia followed by play(time).
389 …usePosition. Important for setMedia() followed by pause(time). Deals with not reading stream.time
688 public function play(time:Number = NaN):Boolean {
689 …//trace("PLAY: "+time+" - isPlaying: "+myStatus.isPlaying +" - myStatus.isStartingDownload:"+mySta…
692 if(!isNaN(time) && myStatus.srcSet) {
697 myStatus.pausePosition = time;
707 …ition > myStatus.duration && connectString.streamTYPE != "LIVE") { // The time is invalid, ie., pa…
723 if(!isNaN(time)) { // Avoid using seek() when it is already correct.
725; // Since time is in ms and seek() takes seconds
741 public function pause(time:Number=NaN):Boolean
743 //trace("PAUSE: "+time);
745 …playOnSeek = false;// Reset flag in case play(time) issued before the command and is still seeking…
750 // To avoid possible loops with timeupdate and pause(time). A pause() does not have the problem.
752 if(!isNaN(time) && myStatus.pausePosition == time) {
756 trace("!isNaN: "+!isNaN(time) +" isNaN: "+isNaN(time));
773 myStatus.pausePosition = myStream.time * 1000;
776 if (! isNaN(time) && myStatus.srcSet)
778 myStatus.pausePosition = time;
792 if ((time > 0))
804 {// The time is invalid, ie., past the end.
811 else if (! isNaN(time))
828 // Neither pause() nor pause(time) will cause a timeupdate loop.
829 if(wasPlaying || !isNaN(time) && !alreadyPausedAtTime) {
841 var time:Number = percent * getDuration() * getLoadRatio() / 100;
844 return play(time);
848 return pause(time);
891 //trace(myStream.time * 1000);
892 return myStream.time * 1000; // was +1000
956 myStatus.metaDataReady = true;// Set flag so that this event only effects jPlayer the 1st time.
972 {// Important for setMedia followed by play(time).
982 …usePosition. Important for setMedia() followed by pause(time). Deals with not reading stream.time