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3 … in Dokuwiki. That is to say, it is mostly a set of rules about writing code, and a small amount o…
19 The example above requires the jwHelloWorld plugin to run. This plugin will be available on the sam…
26to contain the plugin. The **id** attribute is optional and maps directly to the id of the div ele…
28 …the root level. The id of the containing div is added to the JSON string and the contents passed t…
32 The jwHelloWorld example at the start of the USAGE section will be sent to the browser as:
52 The Javascript from the jwHelloworld plugin will then use this data to render a speech bubble callo…
54 Note that due to the structure of the Dokuwiki plugin system, jwHelloworld must
59 …ts to the initiator) is deferred, the javascript need not be loaded before the Jokuwiki tag is dec…
60 …s than 50% of the data downloaded from the server. Jokuwiki provides hooks to integrate [PJAX](htt…
61 …ce saving - with HTTP it's all about the latency. But eliminating the need to re-fetch (even from …
65 …bilities. Note that the versions of Dokuwiki up to, and including Weatherwax inject inline Javascr…
69 … all templates, however the additional functionality jokuwiki was designed to support (much faster…
71to the template - and Jokuwiki simplifies the implementation of these changes. The starterPjax tem…
82 * Add a built-in widget to initialize Dokuwiki variables
90 Your plugin has to tell Jokuwiki how it is invoked, hence the script.js for your plugin must regist…
105 …* a function to call. To comply with a strict Content Security Policy this must be a function - bu…
106 * a URL of a javascript file to load asynchronously
107 …JAX will not trigger a onload event for the window, you should not attempt to attach your own hand…
109 Related to this, Jokuwiki implements it's own asynchronous script loader. Unlike the jQuery.script …
111to initiate each widget several times. If the called method throws an exception or the initiator i…
116to be implemented, I would urge you to include a [JSON Schema](|JSON schema…