Lines Matching defs:icon

31         'bootstrap': { //works with template bootstrap3 or by manually adding resources to icon plugin assets
67 // (Use tree.options.icon callback to define custom icons based on node data)
94 // (Use tree.options.icon callback to define custom icons based on node data)
334 // // "cut": {name: "Cut", icon: "cut",
340 // "page": {name: "Page", icon: "", disabled: true },
342 // "revs": {name: "Revisions", icon: "ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-w", disabled: false },
343 // "toc": {name: "ToC preview", icon: "ui-icon-bookmark", disabled: false },
344 // "edit": {name: "Edit", icon: "edit", disabled: false },
345 // "hpage": {name: "Headpage", icon: "add", disabled: false},
346 // "spage": {name: "Start page", icon: "add", disabled: false},
347 // "cpage": {name: "Custom page...", icon: "add", disabled: false},
348 // "acls": {name: "Acls", icon: "ui-icon-locked", disabled: false},
349 // "purge": {name: "Purge cache", icon: "loading", disabled: false},
350 // "html": {name: "Export as HTML", icon: "ui-icon-document", disabled: false},
351 // "text": {name: "Export as text", icon: "ui-icon-note", disabled: false},
353 // "ns": {name: "Namespace", icon: "", disabled: true},
355 // "search": {name: "Search...", icon: "ui-icon-search", disabled: false},
356 // "npage": {name: "New page...", icon: "add", disabled: false},
357 // "nshpage": {name: "Headpage here", icon: "add", disabled: false},
358 // "nsacls": {name: "Acls", icon: "ui-icon-locked", disabled: false}
373 // {title: "Revisions", cmd: "revs", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-w"},
374 // {title: "ToC preview", cmd: "toc", uiIcon: "ui-icon-bookmark"},
375 // {title: "Edit", cmd: "edit", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil", disabled: false },
376 // {title: "Headpage", cmd: "hpage", uiIcon: "ui-icon-plus"},
377 // {title: "Start page", cmd: "spage", uiIcon: "ui-icon-plus"},
378 // {title: "Custom page...", cmd: "cpage", uiIcon: "ui-icon-plus"},
379 // {title: "Acls", cmd: "acls", uiIcon: "ui-icon-locked", disabled: true },
380 // {title: "Purge cache", cmd: "purge", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-e"},
381 // {title: "Export as HTML", cmd: "html", uiIcon: "ui-icon-document"},
382 // {title: "Export as text", cmd: "text", uiIcon: "ui-icon-note"},
385 // {title: "Search...", cmd: "search", uiIcon: "ui-icon-search"},
386 // {title: "New page...", cmd: "npage", uiIcon: "ui-icon-plus"},// children:[]
387 // {title: "Headpage here", cmd: "nshpage", uiIcon: "ui-icon-plus"},
388 // {title: "Acls", cmd: "nsacls", uiIcon: "ui-icon-locked"}
459 "icon": "../../plugins/indexmenu/images/indexmenu_toolbar.png"