Lines Matching refs:we

19     Shall we begin?
81 And yes, there is a lot of repetition there because of -prefixes but we don't
129 we display a fallback message for users with browsers that don't support
136 And then we hide the message, when support is detected in the browser.
184 ... and we enhance the styles for impress.js.
186 Basically we remove the margin and make inactive steps a little bit transparent.
243 And now we start to style each step separately.
322 ... so we define display to `inline-block` to enable transforms and
335 ... and we want 'positioning` word to move up a bit when the step gets
419 Because we want to position <span> elements in 3D we set transform-style to
433 Below we position each word separately along Z axis and we want it to transition
515 There is no content in it, so we make sure it's not visible because we want
532 Now, when we have all the steps styled let's give users a hint how to navigate
598 By default we don't want the hint to be visible, so we make it transparent ...
612 Now let's imagine that the hint is visible and we want to fade it out and move out
615 So we define the transition on the opacity property with 1s duration and another
629 Now we 'enable' the hint when presentation is initialized ...
634 ... and we will show it when the first step (with id 'bored') is active.
650 Now for fade in transition we have the oposite situation from the one
653 First after 4.5s delay we animate the transform property to move the hint
654 into its correct position and after that we fade it in with opacity