Lines Matching refs:string

70 centerPadding | string | '50px' | Side padding when in center mode. (px or %)
71 cssEase | string | 'ease' | CSS3 easing
74 dotsClass | string | 'slick-dots' | Class for slide indicator dots container
76 easing | string | 'linear' | animate() fallback easing
80 appendArrows | string | $(element) | Change where the navigation arrows are attached (Selector, htm…
81 appendDots | string | $(element) | Change where the navigation dots are attached (Selector, htmlStr…
83 prevArrow | string (html|jQuery selector) | object (DOM node|jQuery object) | <button type="button"…
84 nextArrow | string (html|jQuery selector) | object (DOM node|jQuery object) | <button type="button"…
87 lazyLoad | string | 'ondemand' | Accepts 'ondemand' or 'progressive' for lazy load technique
90 respondTo | string | 'window' | Width that responsive object responds to. Can be 'window', 'slider'…
93 slide | string | '' | Slide element query
179 slickGetOption | option : string(option name) | Gets an option value.
180 slickSetOption | option : string(option name), value : depends on option, refresh : boolean | Sets …
205 $slick-font-path | string | "./fonts/" | Directory path for the slick icon font
206 $slick-font-family | string | "slick" | Font-family for slick icon font
207 $slick-loader-path | string | "./" | Directory path for the loader image
211 $slick-prev-character | string | '\2190' | Unicode character code for the previous arrow icon
212 $slick-next-character | string | '\2192' | Unicode character code for the next arrow icon
213 $slick-dot-character | string | '\2022' | Unicode character code for the navigation dot icon