Lines Matching refs:Change

28 	* Change: library version number is displayed on the web interface now
30 * Change: minor FAQ update
36 * Change: unicode-aware line breaking algorithm
70 * Change: documentation updates
72 * Change: minor function naming style cleanup
83 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ update
107 * Change: JPEG images now will not be converted to PNG, decreasing
116 * Change: minor documentation update
138 * Change: minor samples update
167 * Change: file destination object now can display a link to the
172 * Change: "autosized vertical margin boxes" code moved to
175 * Change: minor documentation / FAQ updates
201 * Change: minor documentation / FAQ updates
234 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ updates
241 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ updates
264 * Change: script attempts to update pcre.backtrack_limit
267 * Change: check for pcre.backtrack_limit added to systemcheck.php
328 * Change: table of contents feature
344 * Change: array of calculated page heights is passed to
388 * Change: minor FAQ / documentation updates
490 * Change: DOCTYPE now is checked by default when conversion is
547 * Change: workaround for Active-Link issue (attributes in single
571 * Change: minor updates in sample files
573 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ updates
605 * Change: more tolerant 'src' attribute value processing; script
647 * Change: minor documentation/samples updates (deprecated sample
674 * Change: minor documentation updates
678 * Change: punctiation marks immediately after footnotes now cannot
708 * Change: if GD extension is not loaded, script will still convert
713 * Change: before-document, after-document, before-batch and
716 * Change: minor internal changes in Pipeline class (removed
721 * Change: before-page and after-page callbacks are introduced.
744 * Change: internal changes aimed to ease automated testing and
751 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ updates
763 * Change: minor faq/documentation updates
777 * Change: added allow_url_fopen check in system requirements
788 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ updates
790 * Change: minor system requirement checking script update (more
793 * Change: added sample file illustrating passing variable with
798 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ updates
803 * Change: files generated via the demo web interface in batch mode
812 * Change: minor documentation/FAQ updates
846 * Change: more tolerant processing of unsupported/tolerant
853 * Change: 'text-transform' support (thanks dkrieger for this nice
856 * Change: some speed/memory optimizations
858 * Change: several routines reworked to reduce constant script
872 * Change: simple system requirements checking script added to
875 * Change: basic support for Unicode characters missing in
878 * Change: unicode/PS glyph name mapping updated
880 * Change: minor FAQ/HOWTO additions
889 * Change: added iso-8859-8 (arabic) and iso-8859-6 (hebrew)
895 * Change: partial support ("alpha" state) for PNG Image output
897 * Change: partial support ("beta" state) for TTF file parsing
919 * Change: minor FAQ updates; some frame-related questions were
934 * Change: HTML2PS_DIR now calculated always relative to the
956 * Change: BODY margin/padding values behaviour now is similar to
964 * Change: minor documentation updates related to the "debug boxes"
1000 * Change: several test files were removed; WEB INTERFACE FILE WAS
1058 * Change: minor additions to FAQ page in "no output" section
1147 * Change: configuration file renamed; now it is called
1156 * Change: PS Level 2 output
1167 * Change: script-generated footer/header/watermarks
1169 * Change: "Batch" processing feature
1171 * Change: Complete support for interactive forms in FPDF and
1174 * Change: Added user-contributed basic authentication patch
1176 * Change: config file renamed to 'html2ps.config' (now file is not
1182 * Change: several small updates in script API documentation
1190 * Change: all HTTP requests now contain fake "Mozilla" User-Agent
1281 * Change: script have been optimized for pages contaning a lot of
1284 * Change: FAQ updated