Lines Matching refs:in

3 Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and
4 in fact on any web pages. It's very easy to use because it works
12 version of the library intended to use in production. All uncompressed source
23 Also you can replaces TAB ('\x09') characters used for indentation in your code
44 Then the script looks in your page for fragments `<pre><code>...</code></pre>`
65 Highligt.js comes with several style themes located in "styles" directory that
70 Generally installing highlight.js in a [WordPress][wp] blog is no different
88 in situations when one can't use the script itself on a site.
95 used as class names in `<code>` element.
100 built_in built-in objects (None, False, True and Ellipsis)
108 params everything inside parentheses in a function's or class' header
115 filename filename in an entry
119 function function name in an entry (including parentheses)
120 title actual name of a function in an entry (excluding parentheses)
126 subst in-string substitution (#{...})
153 phpdoc phpdoc params in comments
177 keyword HTML tag when in selectors, CSS keyword when in rules
178 id #some_name in selectors
179 class .some_name in selectors
181 attr_selector attribute selector (square brackets in a[href^=http://])
195 keyword HTML tag in HTML, default tags and default filters in templates
217 params everything inside parentheses in a function's header
225 built_in built-in function
236 params everything inside parentheses in a function's header
249 params everything in parentheses inside a class header
278 built_in built-in function
325 title first symbol in a non-quoted list
343 sqbracket variables in rewrites "%{..}"
344 cbracket options in rewrites "[..]"
381 params everything in parentheses inside a class header
394 params everything in parentheses inside a function header
406 localvars substitution in .macro
424 This means that in short fragments the probability of an error is high
430 You can use class names recommended in HTML5: "language-html",