Lines Matching refs:doc

132 …                $renderer->doc .= '<h3>There are commits awaiting to the be pushed to Live!</h3>'; 
138 …$renderer->doc .= '<p>Other initiatives are approved while this has been waiting for approval. Tho…
142 …$renderer->doc .= '<p>One or more commits have been made to this workspace that are ready to be pr…
143 …$renderer->doc .= 'These can include merges with changes made in other workspaces and approved by …
147 …$renderer->doc .= '<br/><br/><p>To investigate the changes made in this workspace please select a …
151 …$renderer->doc .= '<h3>Commits have been made to this workspace that are ready for submission to t…
152 $renderer->doc .= '<p>TODO: add more information here</p>';
168 $renderer->doc .= '<br/><h3>Commits:</h3>';
178 $renderer->doc .= "No changes made in this workspace";
182 $renderer->doc .= 'Exception happened:<br/>';
183 $renderer->doc .= $e->getMessage();
195 $renderer->doc .= "<h3>Please enter a short summary of these intermediate changes</h3>";
196 …$renderer->doc .= '<p>This short message will only be used within this workspace and is only inten…
197 $renderer->doc .= '<form method="post">';
198 …$renderer->doc .= ' <textarea name="CommitMessage" style="width: 800px; height: 80px;" ></textare…
199 …$renderer->doc .= ' <input type="submit" name="cmd[commit_current]" value="Commit Current Change…
200 $renderer->doc .= '</form><br/>';
205 …$renderer->doc .= "<h3>Please provide a detailed description of ALL the changes to be submitted.</…
206 …$renderer->doc .= '<p>Before submitting, please consider the following: Has the content been revie…
207 $renderer->doc .= '<ol>';
208 …$renderer->doc .= '<li>For the IP: Have all the deliverables been implemented? Please refer to the…
209 …$renderer->doc .= '<li>For the IP: Have you planned how the adoption of these changes is ensured? …
210 … $renderer->doc .= '<li>For each page: Is revision frequency specified?</li>';
211 $renderer->doc .= '<li>For each page: Is SEO metadata specified?</li>';
212 …$renderer->doc .= '<li>For each page: Are all images implemented as Imagemaps?</li>'; …
213 $renderer->doc .= '</ol>';
215 …$renderer->doc .= '<br/><p>And finally: Please note that submitting the changes for approval will …
216 $renderer->doc .= '<form method="post">';
217 …$renderer->doc .= ' <textarea name="CommitMessage" style="width: 800px; height: 80px;" ></textare…
218 …$renderer->doc .= ' <input type="submit" name="cmd[commit_submit]" value="Submit for approval" /…
219 $renderer->doc .= '</form><br/>';