Lines Matching refs:getLabel

159 …d ? '<span style="color:red">'+error_text+'</span><br/>' : '')+this.res.getLabel('Please enter you…
257 … this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('Maximum number of joined channels has been reached') );
302 … this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('Maximum number of private chat has been reached') );
307 …this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('You are trying to speak to a unknown (or not connected) u…
311 this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('You are not allowed to speak to yourself') );
338 this.setError(this.res.getLabel('Chosen nickname is already used'), Array());
339 this.askNick(param,this.res.getLabel('Chosen nickname is already used'));
349 this.setError(this.res.getLabel('Chosen nickname is not allowed'), Array());
363 this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('phpfreechat current version is %s',param) );
377 this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('Configuration has been rehashed') );
381 this.displayMsg( cmd, this.res.getLabel('A problem occurs during rehash') );
1330 img.alt = this.res.getLabel('Close');
1392 img.alt = document.createTextNode(this.res.getLabel('Private message'));
1394 a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.res.getLabel('Private message')));
1722 nickmarker_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel("Hide nickname marker");
1729 nickmarker_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel("Show nickname marker");
1761 clock_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Hide dates and hours');
1769 clock_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Show dates and hours');
1797 snd_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Disable sound notifications');
1803 snd_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Enable sound notifications');
1829 loginlogout_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Disconnect');
1837 loginlogout_icon.alt = this.res.getLabel('Connect');
1863 btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Magnify');
1870 btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Cut down');
1902 pfcp.prompt(this.res.getLabel('Enter the text to format'), '');
1919 pfcp.prompt(this.res.getLabel('Enter the text to format'), '');
1929 pfcp.prompt(this.res.getLabel('Enter the text to format'), '');
2067 btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Hide smiley box');
2076 btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Show smiley box');
2120 btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Hide online users box');
2126 btn.alt = this.res.getLabel('Show online users box');