Lines Matching refs:with

15 …est flash players so require to use load completion instead which may help with gzipped files also.
21 - #586 add a bitrate label with a new namespace attribute fp:bitratelabel.
23 - #494 with relative filenames with a root path strip the baseurl of paths first.
29 …tagevideo screen mask, canvas is visible without it, this was causing issues with the display list.
46 - Added new property clip.backBufferLength, to be used with FMS 3.5
48 …e stream is not initially found. Also does 3 connection attempts if the connection fails with RTMP.
57 - cuepoints were fired multiple times when there is a playlist with several clips. Issue #150.
61 - fullScreenOnly now works in conjunction with displayTime
64 - different players with the same configuration stored in a variable can now use JS plugins
69 - fixed XSS vulnerability with linkUrls. Thank you Szymon Gruszecki for discovering and reporting t…
76 - Issue #384 added links support in context menus with configuration { url: "", target: "…
88 - #392 possible fix for extensions with no filetypes like rtmp flv clips, require positive index ch…
95 - #415 regression issue with #395, stop the buffering animation correctly.
96 - #414 problem appears again for very short clips with invalid seek times, make it step back 1 seco…
98 - #423 add the . to clip type extension checks or else files with known extension postfixes within …
107 - #470 check for a playlist when replacing the playlist with an rss feed.
109 - #30 regression caused by character replacements, removing for now and let end user deal with them.
119 - linkUrl should now work better with popup blockers:…
143 - new flowplayer.js version, with Apple iDevice fixes
152 - fixed #112, wrong URL computation when using clip with relative URL on a page with a / after a # …
153 - fixed #111, wrong behavior of pre/post roll images with duration 0
163 - Now recognizes following kind of urls as audio clips: 'mp3:audiostreamname' (ulrs with mp3 prefix…
169 - Support for RTMP redirects (tested with Wowza loadbalancing)
178 - canvas, controlbar and the content plugin backgound color and border color can be now given with
187 - fireErrorExternal() was not working properly with an error PlayerEvent
199 - fixed scrubber behaviour with a playlist containing 2 images (or swf) in a row
204 - fixed play state button with images
218 …e if the controlbar plugin was disabled and if the play button overlay was disabled with play: null
227 - Possibility to pass a RSS file name with playFeed("playlist.rss") and setPlaylist("playlist.rss")…
253 - fixed screen vertical placement problems that reappeared with 3.1.1
289 - now fullscreen works with Flash versions older than 9.0.115, in versions that do not support hard…
290 - replaying a RTMP stream with an image in front of the stream in the playlist was not working (vid…
319 - clip urls were not resolved correctly if the HTML page URL had a query string starting with a que…
320 - Fixed context menu for with IE (commercial version)
323 - Fixed context menu for with IE (commercial version)
338with different providers caused the onMetadata event to fire events with metadata from the previou…
339 - the opacity setting now works with the logo
345 …accepts an array of clip objects as an argument, the playlist is replaced with the specified clips…
350 - pressing the play again button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
367 - pressing the play button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
370 - workaround for missing "NetStream.Play.Start" notfication that was happending with Red5. Because …
407 - fixed some issues with having images in the playlist
420 - fixed: the play button overlay became invisible with long fadeOutSpeeds