Lines Matching refs:was

29 - #508 disabling the stagevideo screen mask, canvas is visible without it, this was causing issues …
35 - Fixed #514, scrubbing was broken
42 - #508 stage video mask was being added to the top layer and hiding all children.
67 - onLastSecond was fired twice, issue #300
125 - it was not possible to call play() in an onFinish listener
132 The animation was unnecessarily shown in some situations.
186 - onSeek() was not fired when seeking while paused and when using RTMP. An extra onStart was fired …
187 - fireErrorExternal() was not working properly with an error PlayerEvent
188 - countPlugins() was throwing an error when a plugin was not found
190 - the logo was unnecessary shown when going fullscreen if logo.displayTime was being used
193 - showPlugin was not working when was null
201 - fixed OverlayPlayButton that was showing even if it shouldn't on some cases
202 - fixed wrong behavior when onBeforeFinish was returning false within playlists
210 - The player went to a locked state when resuming playback after a period that was long enought to …
218 - player did not initialize if the controlbar plugin was disabled and if the play button overlay wa…
245 - Player was not initialized correctly when instream playlists were used and the provider used in t…
247 - the width and height settings of a logo were ignored if the logo was a sWF file
250 - Issue 12: cuepointMultiplier was undefined in the clip object set to JS event listeners
251 - Issue 14: onBeforeStop was unnecessarily fired when calling setPlaylist() and the player was not …
252 additionally onStop was never fired even if onBeforeStop was
264 - The screen size was initially too small on Firefox (Mac)
286 - Replay of a RTMP stream was failing after the connection had expired
288 - loadPlugin() was not working
290 - replaying a RTMP stream with an image in front of the stream in the playlist was not working (vid…
321 - a cuepoint at time zero was fired several times
324 - a cuepoint at time zero was fired several times
337 …lay by just using the 'clip' node in the configuration was not working, a playlist definition was
340 - fadeOut() call to the "screen" plugin was sending the listenerId and pluginName arguments in wron…
342 - changing the size of the screen in a onFullscreen listener now always works, there was a bug that…
355 - backgroundGradient was drawn over the background image in the canvas and in the content and contr…
357 - the player's framerate was increased to 24 FPS, makes all animations smoother
368 - license key verification failed if a port number was used in the URL (like in this url: http://my…
370 …ssing "NetStream.Play.Start" notfication that was happending with Red5. Because of this issue the …
380 …images, css files and other resources from the domain where the palyer SWF was loaded from. This i…
393 - Commercial version shows a Flowplayer logo if invalidKey was supplied, but the otherwise the play…
399 … now delayed so that the metadata is available when the event is fired, METADATA event was removed,
438 - The Flowplayer API was not fully initialized when onLoad was invoked on Flash plugins
450 - Preloader was broken on IE: When the player SWf was in browser's cache it did not initialize prop…
452 - fixed custom logo positioning (was moved to the left edge of screen in fullscreen)
454 - video was stretched below the controls in fullscreen when autoHide: 'never'