Lines Matching refs:to

13 - Updated to automatically load the latest controls and audio plugins
14 - #612 add some logging for the stagevideo render state to determine what mode the hardware acceler…
15 - #628 opera browsers do not return filesize correctly for latest flash players so require to use l…
30 - #443 adding accessibility option to the playbuttonoverlay.
40 - Fixed #490, controlbar background, buffer bar and progress bar colors were all reset to white
41 - #503 Update viewport when stage is added to obtain the coordnates correctly. Update viewport when…
42 - #508 stage video mask was being added to the top layer and hiding all children.
46 - Added new property clip.backBufferLength, to be used with FMS 3.5
47 - Adds support for StageVideo. To enable it set clip.accelerated to true.
48 - Tries to reload two times if the stream is not initially found. Also does 3 connection attempts i…
53 - made it possible to replay a clip using play(<current_clip's_index>)
56 - fixed to dispatch onStart also when replaying the previous clip, now the JS controlbar again work…
59 - backgroundImage css property can now be set to "none" to be removed
63 - JS function setClip can now be used to add listeners on the new Clip
69 …ity with linkUrls. Thank you Szymon Gruszecki for discovering and reporting this to us. Issue #329.
72 - fixed the stopBuffering() API method to close the NetConnection and to clear the screen
73 - Issue #355 setup targeting for Flash 10.0 and 10.1 to provide support for Flash 10.0 without Stag…
74 …tConnection unnecessary closed/reconnected when the netConnection does not change from clip to clip
77 …WithConfig is unavailable and non existant. Documentation updated required to remove this and upda…
82 - #191 send the resume event, and no stop event first before reconnecting due to a connection timeo…
84 - #363 silent seek and force to seek to a keyframe or else video frame will not display initially w…
86 - #391 add message argument to connection failure callback required by some connection providers.
87 - #363 add overridable pause to frame for different seek functionality between http and rtmp.
89 - #395 apply buffer animation status to VOD streams only.
90 - #375 possible fix when replacing the playlist in onBeforeFinish, move replay button to onFinish.
91 - #390 correct seek back to a valid time on invalid seeking while seeking in the buffer.
96 … invalid seek times, make it step back 1 second from the invalid seek time to seek the buffer corr…
97 - #416 enable seekableOnBegin to enable the scrubbar correctly when autobuffering.
98 - #423 add the . to clip type extension checks or else files with known extension postfixes within …
99 - #426 when a plugin width is set to a percentage, x/y is required to be floored or else it will af…
100 - #430 adding event listeners for netconnection to obtain certain events.
106 - #461 when we have a clip base url set, we need the complete clip url sent to play2 for http strea…
122 - Added new onUnload event, can be only listened in Flash and not triggered to JS
123 - API: Added new url property to plugin objects
125 - it was not possible to call play() in an onFinish listener
126 - fix to preserve the infoObject for custom netStream and netConnection clients in cases where the …
129 - fixed to correctly handle subdomains when validating the license key
130 - a custom logo is now sized correctly according to the configured size
133 - fixed #155. added new urlEncoding property to Clip for url ncoding ut8 urls
137 - added new scaling option 'crop' that resizes to fill all available space, cropping on top/bottom …
138 - improvements to RSS file parsing
147 - a new 'type' clip property exposed to JS
148 - changed the clip type property to better work as a read-write property. Now accepts 'video', 'aud…
150 - moved parallel rtmp connection mechanism from the RTMP plugin to Core so other plugins can use it…
157 - fix to make playback to always reach end of video
165 - Fix to reuse buffered data when replaying a clip
173 - Fix to correctly detect if the player SWF name contains a version number and if it does also use …
179 - Added onMouseOver() and onMouseOut() listener registration methods to the Flowplayer API
180 - enhancements to RSS playlist. Converted parsing to E4X, yahoo media and flowplayer namespace supp…
181 - added feature to obtain bitrate and dimension information to a new clip custom property "bitrates…
184 - added setKeyboardShortcutsEnabled(), addKeyListener(), removeKeyListener() to FlowplayerBase
191 - added a loadPluginWithConfig method to FlowplayerBase, accessible from javascript. Fixed double o…
210 - The player went to a locked state when resuming playback after a period that was long enought to
211 netConnection to an invalid state. Now when resuming playback on an invalid connection the clip sta…
213 - Custom netConnect and netStream events did not pass the info object to JS listeners
225 - enhancements to RSS playlist parsing: Now skips all media:content that have unsupported types. No…
226 of the media:content element is mandatory and has to be present in the RSS file
227 - Possibility to pass a RSS file name with playFeed("playlist.rss") and setPlaylist("playlist.rss")…
228 - changes to the ConnectionProvider and URLResolver APIs
230 - Added possibility to specify all clip properties in an RSS playlist
237 - Dispatches onMetadata() if an URL resolver changes the clip URL (changes to a different file)
238 - error codes and error message were not properly passed to onEvent JS listeners
249 - now possible to use RTMP for mp3 files
250 - Issue 12: cuepointMultiplier was undefined in the clip object set to JS event listeners
261 - Possibility to specify controls configuration in clips
275 - Added Security.allowDomain() to allow loaded plugins to script the player
276 - Added addClip(clip, index) to the API, index is optional
277 - Possibility to view videos without metadata, using clip.metaData: false
278 - Now the player's preloader uses the rotating animation instead of a percent text to indicate the …
281 …properties are now present in the root of the clip argument in all clip events that are sent to JS.
284 - The preloader sometimes failed to initialize the player
294 …p', 'f4v', 'flv'. Added new clip property seekableOnBegin that can be used to override the default…
298 - added possibility to associate a linkUrl and linkWindow to the canvas
315 - Added possibility to seek when in the buffering state:
316 - Added copyright notices and other GPL required entries to the user interface
326 - Now possible to call play() in an onError handler:
336 - Plugins can now be loaded from a different domain to the flowplayer.swf
337 - Specifying a clip to play by just using the 'clip' node in the configuration was not working, a p…
338 - Fixed: A playlist with different providers caused the onMetadata event to fire events with metada…
340 - fadeOut() call to the "screen" plugin was sending the listenerId and pluginName arguments in wron…
341 - stop(), pause(), resume(), close() no longer return the flowplayer object to JS
342 … in a onFullscreen listener now always works, there was a bug that caused this to fail occasionally
353 - fixed 'orig' scaling: the player went to 'fit' scaling after coming back from fullscreen. This is…
354 …cision is 100 ms. All cuepoint times are rounded to the nearest 100 ms value (for example 1120 rou…
356 - added cuepointMultiplier property to clips. This can be used to multiply the time values read fro…
357 - the player's framerate was increased to 24 FPS, makes all animations smoother
361 - Fixed negative cuepoints from common clip. Now these are properly propagated to the clips in play…
366 - added possibility to disable the buffering animation like so: buffering: false
371 - commercial version has the possibility to change the zIndex of the logo
376 …ackgroundImage on canvas, in the content plugin, and for the controls is also possible to be loaded
378 - Now allows the embedding HTML to script the player even if the player is loaded from another doma…
379 - Added a 'live' property to Clips, used for live streams.
380 … embedded to a foreign domain now loads images, css files and other resources from the domain wher…
381 - Added linkUrl and linkWindow properties to the logo, in commercial version you can set these to p…
387 - Added linkUrl and linkWindow properties to clips. The linked page is opened when the video are is…
408 - made it possible to autoBuffer next video while showing an image (image without a duration)
418 - fix to prevent the play button going visible when the onBufferEmpty event occurs
436 - now it's possible to load a plugin into the panel without specifying any position/dimensions
437 …information, the plugin is placed to left: "50%", top: "50%" and using the plugin DisplayObject's …
449 - changed to loop through available fonts in order to find a suitable font also in IE
452 - fixed custom logo positioning (was moved to the left edge of screen in fullscreen)