Lines Matching refs:playlist

57 - cuepoints were fired multiple times when there is a playlist with several clips. Issue #150.
60 - fixed the facts that clips in a playlist were cut off by a fraction in the end
85 …eners when adding new video displays prevents new events being added when the playlist is replaced.
90 - #375 possible fix when replacing the playlist in onBeforeFinish, move replay button to onFinish.
107 - #470 check for a playlist when replacing the playlist with an rss feed.
180 - enhancements to RSS playlist. Converted parsing to E4X, yahoo media and flowplayer namespace supp…
197 - fixed event dispatching when embedding flowplayer without flowplayer.js (=without playlist config…
199 - fixed scrubber behaviour with a playlist containing 2 images (or swf) in a row
200 - fixed errors in logs when using an RSS playlist
220 - RSS playlist parsing now respects the isDefault attribute used in mRSS media group items
225 - enhancements to RSS playlist parsing: Now skips all media:content that have unsupported types. No…
227 - Possibility to pass a RSS file name with playFeed("playlist.rss") and setPlaylist("playlist.rss")…
230 - Added possibility to specify all clip properties in an RSS playlist
287 - Security error when clicking on the screen if there is an image in the playlist loaded from a for…
290 - replaying a RTMP stream with an image in front of the stream in the playlist was not working (vid…
337 …y by just using the 'clip' node in the configuration was not working, a playlist definition was re…
338playlist with different providers caused the onMetadata event to fire events with metadata from th…
345 - the API method play() now accepts an array of clip objects as an argument, the playlist is replac…
361 …ed negative cuepoints from common clip. Now these are properly propagated to the clips in playlist.
392 - Now shows a "Play again" button at the end of the video/playlist
407 - fixed some issues with having images in the playlist