Lines Matching refs:player

20 … fixes removing the player in fullscreen mode leaves Android locked in landscape orientation (#511)
62 - JS plugins now handles grouped syntax like flowplayer("a.player" /*...*/ )
82 … stop event first before reconnecting due to a connection timeout so the player comes out of a pau…
103 - #412 check for empty baseurl or else player url is appended and affects the url parsing.
128 - does not show the error dialog in the debugger player when showErrors: false
131 - does not show the buffer animation any more when the player receives the onBufferEmpty message fr…
173 - Fix to correctly detect if the player SWF name contains a version number and if it does also use …
195 - player wasn't always reaching end of video
198 - fixed safari crashes when unloading player
210 - The player went to a locked state when resuming playback after a period that was long enought to …
218 - player did not initialize if the controlbar plugin was disabled and if the play button overlay wa…
242 - The domain of the logo url must the same domain from where the player SWF is loaded from.
251 - Issue 14: onBeforeStop was unnecessarily fired when calling setPlaylist() and the player was not …
272 …et fired on the connection or stream object, corresponding Clip events will be fired by the player.
275 - Added Security.allowDomain() to allow loaded plugins to script the player
278 - Now the player's preloader uses the rotating animation instead of a percent text to indicate the …
279 of loading the player SWF. You can disable the aninamtion by setting buffering: false
284 - The preloader sometimes failed to initialize the player
303 - if plugin loading failis because of a IO error, the plugin will be discarded and the player initi…
327 - Does not throw an error if the player cannot persist the volume on the client computer: http://fl…
328 - Triggering fullscreen does not pause the player in IE
353 - fixed 'orig' scaling: the player went to 'fit' scaling after coming back from fullscreen. This is…
357 - the player's framerate was increased to 24 FPS, makes all animations smoother
378 - Now allows the embedding HTML to script the player even if the player is loaded from another doma…
380 - A player embedded to a foreign domain now loads images, css files and other resources from the do…
393 …cial version shows a Flowplayer logo if invalidKey was supplied, but the otherwise the player works
405 - stopBuffering() now dispatches the onStop event first if the player is playing/paused/buffering a…
444 - player now loads the latest controls SWF version, right now the latest SWF is called 'flowplayer.…
450 - Preloader was broken on IE: When the player SWf was in browser's cache it did not initialize prop…