Lines Matching refs:not

8 - #9 when replaying from stopping, connection does not receive callbacks anymore.
15 - #628 opera browsers do not return filesize correctly for latest flash players so require to use l…
48 - Tries to reload two times if the stream is not initially found. Also does 3 connection attempts i…
74 - fixed #364, NetConnection unnecessary closed/reconnected when the netConnection does not change f…
83 - #363 pause stream after metadata not beforehand or else no metadata is sent for rtmp clips .
84 - #363 silent seek and force to seek to a keyframe or else video frame will not display initially w…
122 - Added new onUnload event, can be only listened in Flash and not triggered to JS
125 - it was not possible to call play() in an onFinish listener
128 - does not show the error dialog in the debugger player when showErrors: false
131 - does not show the buffer animation any more when the player receives the onBufferEmpty message fr…
186 - onSeek() was not fired when seeking while paused and when using RTMP. An extra onStart was fired …
187 - fireErrorExternal() was not working properly with an error PlayerEvent
188 - countPlugins() was throwing an error when a plugin was not found
189 - external swf files were not scaled properly
193 - showPlugin was not working when was null
212 the beginning. This is only when using RTMP connections and does not affect progressive download pl…
213 - Custom netConnect and netStream events did not pass the info object to JS listeners
218 - player did not initialize if the controlbar plugin was disabled and if the play button overlay wa…
233 - the result of URL resolvers in now cached, and the resolvers will not be used again when a clip i…
238 - error codes and error message were not properly passed to onEvent JS listeners
245 - Player was not initialized correctly when instream playlists were used and the provider used in t…
248 - volume control and mute/unmute were not working after an instream clip had been played
251 - Issue 14: onBeforeStop was unnecessarily fired when calling setPlaylist() and the player was not
265 - Did not persist a zero volume value:
280 - calling close() now does not send the onStop event
288 - loadPlugin() was not working
289 - now fullscreen works with Flash versions older than 9.0.115, in versions that do not support hard…
290 - replaying a RTMP stream with an image in front of the stream in the playlist was not working (vid…
291 because the server does not send metadata if replaying the same stream.
292 - the scrubber is disabled if the clip is not seekable in the first frame:…
319 - clip urls were not resolved correctly if the HTML page URL had a query string starting with a que…
327 - Does not throw an error if the player cannot persist the volume on the client computer: http://fl…
328 - Triggering fullscreen does not pause the player in IE
331 - a label configured for the play button overlay did not work in the commercial version
335 - fixed cuepoint firing: Does not skip cuepoints any more
337 - Specifying a clip to play by just using the 'clip' node in the configuration was not working, a p…
350 - pressing the play again button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
351 …isplays a live feed even when the RTMP server does not send any metadata and the onStart method is…
367 - pressing the play button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
370 …ay.Start" notfication that was happending with Red5. Because of this issue the video was not shown.
396 - Fixed firing of cuepoints too early. Cuepoint firing is now based on stream time and does not rel…
398 - Should not stop playback too early before the clip is really completed
400 … BEGIN that is dispatched when the playback has been successfully started. Metadata is not normally
412 - fixed: setting the screen height in configuration did not have any effect
426 - pausing on first frame did not work on some FLV files
438 - The Flowplayer API was not fully initialized when onLoad was invoked on Flash plugins
443 - "play" did not show up after repeated pause/resume
450 - Preloader was broken on IE: When the player SWf was in browser's cache it did not initialize prop…
451 …rrectly handles menu items that are configured by their string labels only (not using json objects)