Lines Matching refs:in

5 - #614 when the clip ends if the next clip in the provider has a different provider close the provi…
6 …h / attach the display on start events which causes issues in buffering events after a seek in sta…
14 …stagevideo render state to determine what mode the hardware acceleration is in for various systems.
20 … fixes removing the player in fullscreen mode leaves Android locked in landscape orientation (#511)
41 …en stage is added to obtain the coordnates correctly. Update viewport when in and out of fullscree…
50 - Support for thumbnails in RSS files
60 - fixed the facts that clips in a playlist were cut off by a fraction in the end
61 - fullScreenOnly now works in conjunction with displayTime
64 - different players with the same configuration stored in a variable can now use JS plugins
70 - fixed switch stream api support in paused state. #279.
76 …ssue #384 added links support in context menus with configuration { url: "", target: "_b…
90 - #375 possible fix when replacing the playlist in onBeforeFinish, move replay button to onFinish.
91 - #390 correct seek back to a valid time on invalid seeking while seeking in the buffer.
93 - fixed an issue in parsing JSON config that contains several comments separated by whitespace
105 - #442 fix for code error in the javascript api.
115 - Fixed 'orig' scaling in fullscreen:
120 - new linkWindow value "_popup" opens the linked page in a popup browser window
122 - Added new onUnload event, can be only listened in Flash and not triggered to JS
125 - it was not possible to call play() in an onFinish listener
126 - fix to preserve the infoObject for custom netStream and netConnection clients in cases where the …
128 - does not show the error dialog in the debugger player when showErrors: false
132 The animation was unnecessarily shown in some situations.
139 - Now displays a hand cursor when a linkUrl is used in clips
152 …12, wrong URL computation when using clip with relative URL on a page with a / after a # in its url
156 - correct verification of license keys in *.ca domains
170 - Fixed video size when no size info available in clip metadata
183 - if clip.url has the string "mp3:" in it, the clip.type will report 'audio'
194 - handles 3-part duration values included in FLV metadata, like "500.123.123"
199 - fixed scrubber behaviour with a playlist containing 2 images (or swf) in a row
200 - fixed errors in logs when using an RSS playlist
220 - RSS playlist parsing now respects the isDefault attribute used in mRSS media group items
226 of the media:content element is mandatory and has to be present in the RSS file
229 …ically uses a plugin that is called 'rtmp' for all clips that have the rtmp-protocol in their URLs.
230 - Added possibility to specify all clip properties in an RSS playlist
233 - the result of URL resolvers in now cached, and the resolvers will not be used again when a clip i…
234 - some style properties like 'backgroundGradient' had no effect in config
236 - RSS playlists: The 'type' attribute value 'audio/mp3' in the media:content element caused an erro…
245 …y when instream playlists were used and the provider used in the instream clips was defined in the…
246 - A separator in the Context Menu made the callbacks in the following menu items out of order. Rela…
250 - Issue 12: cuepointMultiplier was undefined in the clip object set to JS event listeners
261 - Possibility to specify controls configuration in clips
262 - Seek target position is now sent in the onBeforeSeek event
281 - Clip's custom properties are now present in the root of the clip argument in all clip events that…
285 - Allow seeking while in buffering state:
287 - Security error when clicking on the screen if there is an image in the playlist loaded from a for…
289 - now fullscreen works with Flash versions older than 9.0.115, in versions that do not support hard…
290 - replaying a RTMP stream with an image in front of the stream in the playlist was not working (vid…
292 - the scrubber is disabled if the clip is not seekable in the first frame:…
294in the first frame: 'f4b', 'f4p', 'f4v', 'flv'. Added new clip property seekableOnBegin that can b…
302 - fix for verifying license keys for domains that have more than 4 labels in them
315 - Added possibility to seek when in the buffering state:
322 - screen is now arranged correctly even when only bottom or top is defined for it in the configurat…
325 - screen is now arranged correctly even when only bottom or top is defined for it in the configurat…
326 - Now possible to call play() in an onError handler:
328 - Triggering fullscreen does not pause the player in IE
331 - a label configured for the play button overlay did not work in the commercial version
337 - Specifying a clip to play by just using the 'clip' node in the configuration was not working, a p…
338 …ent to fire events with metadata from the previous clip in the playlist. Occurred when moving in t…
340 - fadeOut() call to the "screen" plugin was sending the listenerId and pluginName arguments in wron…
342 - changing the size of the screen in a onFullscreen listener now always works, there was a bug that…
353 …rom fullscreen. This is now fixed and the original dimensions are preserved in non-fullscreen mode.
354 - cuepoint times are now given in milliseconds, the firing precision is 100 ms. All cuepoint times …
355 - backgroundGradient was drawn over the background image in the canvas and in the content and contr…
361 - Fixed negative cuepoints from common clip. Now these are properly propagated to the clips in play…
368 - license key verification failed if a port number was used in the URL (like in this url: http://my…
376 …Using a backgroundImage on canvas, in the content plugin, and for the controls is also possible to…
381 - Added linkUrl and linkWindow properties to the logo, in commercial version you can set these to p…
383 * "_self" specifies the current frame in the current window.
386 * "_top" specifies the top-level frame in the current window.
394 - setting play: null in configuration will disable the play button overlay
407 - fixed some issues with having images in the playlist
412 - fixed: setting the screen height in configuration did not have any effect
430 - logo only uses percentage scaling if it's a SWF file (there is ".swf" in it's url)
431 - context menu now correctly builds up from string entries in configuration
449 - changed to loop through available fonts in order to find a suitable font also in IE
450 - Preloader was broken on IE: When the player SWf was in browser's cache it did not initialize prop…
452 - fixed custom logo positioning (was moved to the left edge of screen in fullscreen)
454 - video was stretched below the controls in fullscreen when autoHide: 'never'