Lines Matching refs:http

87 - #363 add overridable pause to frame for different seek functionality between http and rtmp.
92 - #404 implement netstreamplayoptions for http streams, resets the stream or start loading a new st…
106 - #461 when we have a clip base url set, we need the complete clip url sent to play2 for http strea…
115 - Fixed 'orig' scaling in fullscreen:
119 - linkUrl should now work better with popup blockers:…
235 - video goes tiny on Firefox:
246 …e callbacks in the following menu items out of order. Related forum post:…
265 - Did not persist a zero volume value:
285 - Allow seeking while in buffering state:
292 - the scrubber is disabled if the clip is not seekable in the first frame:…
301 …duration tracking starts only after the image has been completely loaded:…
315 - Added possibility to seek when in the buffering state:
319 …ly if the HTML page URL had a query string starting with a question mark (…
326 - Now possible to call play() in an onError handler:
327 - Does not throw an error if the player cannot persist the volume on the client computer: http://fl…
329 - The play button overlay no longer has a gap between it's pieces when a label is used: http://flow…
368 - license key verification failed if a port number was used in the URL (like in this url: http://my…