Lines Matching refs:used

59 	  used to disable it.
73 …- setting autoPlay: true now starts playing when the 'play' button overlay is used as the first cl…
76 * added videoLink config option that can be used to override the default
119 …- baseURL was not used if it was specified in a parent config and the playlist was specified in it…
149 …- Added 'overlay' to image clips. Can be used to overlay a play button image on top of another ima…
174 0.9.1 Added 'autoPlay' variable that can be used to specify whether the
180 0.9.3 Added new 'bufferLength' variable that can be used in the HTML page to
184 0.9.4 Added a 'baseURL' variable that can be used to specify the location of
239 FlowPlayerLiht.swf is meant to be used with skinning: it does not contain
263 - Clicking on the video area did not start playing if splash not used and
308 - noVideoClip config setting that can be used to specify a video clip or an image to be played when
318 the same configuration style is used consistently everywhere.
339 - Now resets the play/pause button correctly when the clip ends and looping is not used
359 …- The setConfig() method in the JavaScript API can be used over and over again to replace the conf…
393 …- Changed the splash image to use the 'baseURL' variable that is used with all other types of clip…
394 'skinImagesBaseURL' is only used for external skin images
416 - Added a 'autoRewind' option that is used to rewind to the first clip in the playlist. The old
421 - Added a per clip parameter 'allowResize' that can be used to override the scaling setting.
422 - Changed the font used in FlowPlayer to be non italics