Lines Matching refs:clip

43 	- Does not produce sound in the beginning of clip when autoPlay: false and autoBuffering: true
45 - Fixed: was not possible to set the clip's duration just using the 'end' parameter
73 … setting autoPlay: true now starts playing when the 'play' button overlay is used as the first clip
84 * added following clip specific configuration options: id, keywords
104 - Added the possibility to play a clip via JavaScript
106 - Added possibility to play a clip having a RTMP url
113 player instance. Done with the linkURL and linkWindow clip specific fields.
131 - Added a new clip type 'video' that ensures correct playback for h.264 videos supported
149 … 'overlay' to image clips. Can be used to overlay a play button image on top of another image clip.
151 …- Added new clip specific configuration variable 'liveStream' to specify that the clip is a live s…
155 …- Added new clip specific setting 'showOnLoadBegin'. Turn this to false and the video will not be …
160 …- New maximum play count for clips in the playlist. Controlled with a clip specific 'maxPlayCount'…
252 seek to the very beginning of a clip.
260 - Does not buffer unnessessarily if looping through one clip again and again
261 - Playback can be started normally again when the clip is done and looping
300 as being the first clip in the playlist.
308 - noVideoClip config setting that can be used to specify a video clip or an image to be played when
309 the primary clip is not found
331 - Added a possibility to hide the playlist control buttons (next clip and previous clip buttons)
339 - Now resets the play/pause button correctly when the clip ends and looping is not used
340 …- Looping does not go to the splash after the last clip in the playlist is finished. Instead the p…
341 …to the first clip after the splash. This is valid also when only one video is configured to be pla…
350 - If loop is off the player stops on the last frame of the clip
354 - Possibility to disable transport control buttons using a clip specific option.
355 …y to have hyperlinks for clips. Will open the linked URL into the browser when the clip is clicked.
368 - playlist control buttons (next & prev) did not fade out when disabling them for a clip
416 - Added a 'autoRewind' option that is used to rewind to the first clip in the playlist. The old
421 - Added a per clip parameter 'allowResize' that can be used to override the scaling setting.