Lines Matching refs:sprintf

311 …throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Cache can only be a string, false, or a \Twig\Cache\CacheInterf…
326 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s method is deprecated since version 1.22 and will be removed in Twig…
366 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s method is deprecated since version 1.22 and will be removed in Twig…
502 …throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('Failed to load Twig template "%s", index "%s": cache might be corr…
511 …throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('Circular reference detected for Twig template "%s", path: %s.', $n…
542 $name = sprintf('__string_template__%s', hash('sha256', $template, false));
628 …throw new LoaderError(sprintf('Unable to find one of the following templates: "%s".', implode('", …
638 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s method is deprecated since version 1.18.3 and will be removed in Tw…
650 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s method is deprecated since version 1.22 and will be removed in Twig…
670 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 1.25 and will be removed in 2.…
697 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Passing a string as the $source argument of %s() is deprecated since versi…
717 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 1.25 and will be removed in 2.…
756 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since version 1.25 and will be removed in 2.…
797 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Passing a string as the $source argument of %s() is deprecated since versi…
807 …throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template (…
814 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Twig loader "%s" should implement Twig\Loader\SourceContextLoaderInterface…
869 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Defining the initRuntime() method in the "%s" extension is deprecated sinc…
895 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Referencing the "%s" extension by its name (defined by getName()) is depre…
930 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Referencing the "%s" extension by its name (defined by getName()) is depre…
937 throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('The "%s" extension is not enabled.', $class));
964 throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('Unable to load the "%s" runtime.', $class));
970 …throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unable to register extension "%s" as extensions have already be…
977 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The possibility to register the same extension twice ("%s") is deprecated …
998 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s method is deprecated since version 1.12 and will be removed in Twig…
1001 …throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unable to remove extension "%s" as extensions have already been…
1013 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Referencing the "%s" extension by its name (defined by getName()) is depre…
1132 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Passing a name as a first argument to the %s method is deprecated since ve…
1136 …throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unable to add filter "%s" as extensions have already been initi…
1227 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Passing a name as a first argument to the %s method is deprecated since ve…
1231 …throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unable to add test "%s" as extensions have already been initial…
1304 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Passing a name as a first argument to the %s method is deprecated since ve…
1308 …throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unable to add function "%s" as extensions have already been ini…
1401 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Registering global variable "%s" at runtime or when the extensions have al…
1491 …@trigger_error(sprintf('The %s method is deprecated since version 1.23 and will be removed in Twig…
1508 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Defining the getGlobals() method in the "%s" extension without explicitly …
1514 …throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('"%s::getGlobals()" must return an array of globals.',…
1560 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Using an instance of "%s" for filter "%s" is deprecated since version 1.21…
1571 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Using an instance of "%s" for function "%s" is deprecated since version 1.…
1582 …@trigger_error(sprintf('Using an instance of "%s" for test "%s" is deprecated since version 1.21. …
1609 …throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s::getOperators()" must return an array with operat…
1613 …throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s::getOperators()" must return an array of 2 elemen…