Lines Matching refs:to

9  * fixed the bundled Autoloader to also load namespaced classes
10 * allowed Traversable objects to be used in the "with" tag
11 * allowed Traversable objects to be used in the "with" argument of the "include" and "embed" tags
29 * added the possibility to pass a TemplateWrapper to Twig\Environment::load()
32 * added max value to the "random" function
36 * changed internal code to use the namespaced classes as much as possible
47 * fixed using a Twig_TemplateWrapper instance as an argument to extends
48 * switched generated code to use the PHP short array notation
51 * added a second argument to the join filter (last separator configuration)
72 * added missing else clause to avoid infinite loops
82 * fixed possible array to string conversion concealing actual error
85 * fixed Environment::resolveTemplate to accept instances of TemplateWrapper
90 * fixed use TokenParser to return an empty Node
132 * "length" filter now returns string length when applied to an object that does
142 * added `side` argument to `trim` to allow left or right trimming only.
163 …* added support for {{ _self }} to provide an upgrade path from 1.x to 2.0 (replaces {{ _self.temp…
179 * exposed a way to access template data and methods in a portable way
180 * changed context access to use the PHP 7 null coalescing operator when available
198 * added Twig_Source to hold information about the original template
215 …allowed filters/functions/tests implementation to use a different class than the extension they be…
224 * deprecated the ability to store non Node instances in Node::$nodes
247 * undeprecated _self (should only be used to get the template name, not the template instance)
267 * deprecated the possibility to override an extension by registering another one with the same name
277 * fixed template class name generation to prevent possible collisions
278 * fixed logic for custom escapers to call them even on integers and null values
279 * changed template cache names to take into account the Twig C extension
292 …* added an option to force PHP bytecode invalidation when writing a compiled template into the cac…
294 * changed template cache names to take into account enabled extensions
297 * added a way to override the filesystem template cache system
298 * added a way to get the original template source from Twig_Template
318 * forbid access to the Twig environment from templates and internal parts of Twig_Template
322 * added Twig_BaseNodeVisitor to ease the compatibility of node visitors
330 * added ignore_missing flag to the source function
345 * fixed filesystem loader when trying to load non-files (like directories)
350 * added a new way to customize the main Module node (via empty nodes)
351 * added Twig_Environment::createTemplate() to create a template from a string
382 * fixed the in operator to use strict comparisons
389 * changed url_encode to always encode according to RFC 3986
397 * added an error message when trying to import an undefined block from a trait
405 * fixed a bug that prevented the optimizers to be enabled/disabled selectively
407 * added a source function to include the content of a template without rendering it
408 * fixed the C extension sandbox behavior when get or set is prepend to method name
413 * allowed operators that contain whitespaces to have more than one whitespace
414 * allowed tests to be made of 1 or 2 words (like "same as" or "divisible by")
418 * made it possible to use named operators as variables
419 * fixed the possibility to have a variable named 'matches'
424 * fixed usage of the html_attr escaping strategy to avoid double-escaping with the html strategy
427 * added a way to add custom escaping strategies
429 * fixed the batch filter when using a fill argument with an exact match of elements to batch
441 * added the possibility to ignore the filesystem constructor argument in Twig_Loader_Filesystem
443 * adjusted backtrace call to reduce memory usage when an error occurs
453 * changed ☃ to § in tests
458 * fixed a security issue in the filesystem loader where it was possible to include a template one
473 * relaxed globals management to avoid a BC break
478 * added verbatim as an alias for the raw tag to avoid confusion with the raw filter
485 * added the ability to use any PHP callable to define filters, functions, and tests
487 * added the ability to set default values for macro arguments
489 * moved filters/functions/tests syntax errors to the parser
502 …* changed the date filter behavior to always apply the default timezone, except if false is passed…
506 * optimized the way Twig exceptions are managed (to make them faster)
521 * made a speed optimization to macro calls when imported via the "import" tag
527 * extracted functional tests framework to make it reusable for third-party extensions
530 * fixed an error when a token parser pass a closure as a test to the subparse() method
555 * fixed chmod mode to apply the umask correctly
561 * fixed compiler when mbstring.func_overload is set to 2
568 …* switched to use mbstring whenever possible instead of iconv (you might need to update your encod…
575 * added a way to dynamically change the auto-escaping strategy according to the template "filename"
576 …* changed the autoescape option to also accept a supported escaping strategy (for BC, true is equi…
586 * fixed a PHP notice when trying to access a key on a non-object/array variable
589 * added compilation checks to avoid misuses of the sandbox tag
607 …* made the strategy used to guess the real template file name and line number in exception message…
620 * added a way to set the default global timezone for dates
627 * made a speed optimization to macro calls when imported via the "from" tag
634 * added a date function to ease date comparison
649 * added a way to set the default global date interval format
651 * refactored Twig_Template::display() to ease its extension
656 * removed the need to quote hash keys
657 * allowed hash keys to be any expression
661 * added a dump function to help debugging templates
664 * added a way to change the default format for the date filter
672 * added missing preserveKeys argument to the reverse filter
679 * added negative timestamp support to the date filter
684 …* changed the precedence of the .. operator to be more consistent with languages that implements s…
685 …* added an Exception to Twig_Loader_Array::isFresh() method when the template does not exist to be…
686 * added Twig_Function_Node to allow more complex functions to have their own Node class
687 * added Twig_Filter_Node to allow more complex filters to have their own Node class
688 * added Twig_Test_Node to allow more complex tests to have their own Node class
707 …* added the possibility to force the escaping of a string already marked as safe (instance of Twig…
708 * allowed empty templates to be used as traits
721 …* added a way to ignore a missing template when using the "include" tag ({% include "foo" ignore m…
722 …* added support for an array of templates to the "include" and "extends" tags ({% include ['foo', …
724 * added the "attribute" function to allow getting dynamic attributes on variables
727 * added an optimization for the set tag when used to capture a large chunk of static text
728 …* changed name regex to match PHP one "[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*" (works for blocks…
729 * removed the possibility to use the "extends" tag from a block
730 * added "if" modifier support to "for" loops
744 …* added a performance optimization in the Optimizer (also helps to lower the number of nested leve…
759 * added an exception when the template passed to "use" is not a string
771 * added whitespace control modifier to all tags (see docs for more information)
773 * made TRUE, FALSE, NONE equivalent to their lowercase counterparts
774 …* wrapped all compilation and runtime exceptions with Twig_Error_Runtime and added logic to guess …
775 * moved display() method to Twig_Template (generated templates should now use doDisplay() instead)
799 * the "range" filter has been converted to a function: 0|range(10) -> range(0, 10)
800 …* the "constant" filter has been converted to a function: {{ some_date|date('DATE_W3C'|constant) }…
801 …* the "cycle" filter has been converted to a function: {{ ['odd', 'even']|cycle(i) }} -> {{ cycle(…
806 * removed the grammar and simple token parser (moved to the Twig Extensions repository)
813 * added the "from" tag to import macros as functions
825 variables are now automatically escaped. You can revert to the previous
827 or just set the 'autoescape' option to 'false'.
842 * fixed default() filter behavior when used with strict_variables set to on
845 * fixed filename not being added to syntax error messages
846 * added the autoescape option to enable/disable autoescaping
853 * added priority to node visitors
858 * the self special variable has been renamed to _self
861 * the "safe" filter has been renamed to "raw"
865 * the urlencode filter had been renamed to url_encode
868 …* moved Exceptions to Twig_Error_* (Twig_SyntaxError/Twig_RuntimeError are now Twig_Error_Syntax/T…
873 * added file and line to Twig_Error_Runtime exceptions thrown from Twig_Template
874 * changed trans tag to accept any variable for the plural count
881 * changed all exceptions to extend Twig_Error
889 * added a way to implement custom logic for resolving token parsers given a tag name
890 * fixed js escaper to be stricter (now uses a whilelist-based js escaper)
899 * added the special _charset variable to reference the current charset
900 * added the special _context variable to reference the current context
901 * renamed self to _self (to avoid conflict)
907 * the trans tag plural count is now attached to the plural tag:
911 * added a way to translate strings coming from a variable ({% trans var %})
922 …* changed 'as' to '=' for the set tag ({% set title as "Title" %} must now be {% set title = "Titl…
924 …* refactored the Node system (if you have custom nodes, you will have to update them to use the ne…
926 …* added self as a special variable that refers to the current template (useful for importing macro…
927 * added Twig_Template instance support to the include tag
929 * added a grammar sub-framework to ease the creation of custom tags
932 * fixed the filter tag which did not apply filtering to included files
936 * changed the date filter to support any date format supported by DateTime
937 …* added strict_variable setting to throw an exception when an invalid variable is used in a templa…
938 * added the lexer, parser, and compiler as arguments to the Twig_Environment constructor
939 * changed the cache option to only accepts an explicit path to a cache directory or false
940 * added a way to add token parsers, filters, and visitors without creating an extension
942 * changed the generated code to match the new coding standards
965 As for any new release, don't forget to remove all cached templates after
980 If you have created NodeTransformer classes, you will need to upgrade them to
985 * added the "without loop" option to the for tag (it disables the generation of the loop variable)
986 * refactored node transformers to node visitors
988 * added a way to specify variables to pass to an included template
989 …* changed the automatic-escaping rules to be more sensible and more configurable in custom filters…
990 * improved the filter system to allow object methods to be used as filters
991 * changed the Array and String loaders to actually make use of the cache mechanism
998 * enhanced some error messages to provide better feedback in case of parsing errors
1008 * made it possible to insert newlines in tag and variable blocks
1021 … $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates', '/path/to/compilation_cache', true);
1024 to something like this:
1026 $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates');
1028 'cache' => '/path/to/compilation_cache',
1036 * made major speed improvements for loops (up to 300% on even the smallest loops)
1039 * extended set tag to support expression as value ({% set foo as 'foo' ~ 'bar' %} )
1045 * changed the cache extension to .php
1048 * changed the filter tag to allow chained filters
1053 …* changed filters first optional argument to be a Twig_Environment instance instead of a Twig_Temp…
1057 * enhanced some error messages to ease debugging
1066 * made minor tweaks to allow better extensibility and flexibility