Lines Matching refs:templates

46  * fixed embedded templates starting with a BOM
50 * fixed float representation in compiled templates
77 * fixed a regression in the way the profiler is registered in templates
83 * made variable names deterministic in compiled templates
92 * added circular reference detection when loading templates
150 * fixed offline cache warm-ups for embedded templates
276 * fixed warnings when loaded templates do not exist
318 * forbid access to the Twig environment from templates and internal parts of Twig_Template
337 * fixed template/line guessing in exceptions for nested templates
362 * fixed regression for dynamic parent templates
392 * fixed recursively calling blocks in templates with inheritance
528 * added namespaced templates support in Twig_Loader_Filesystem
566 * fixed a regression when dealing with SimpleXMLElement instances in templates
606 …* fixed compilation of numeric values used in templates when using a locale where the decimal sepa…
661 * added a dump function to help debugging templates
708 * allowed empty templates to be used as traits
722 …* added support for an array of templates to the "include" and "extends" tags ({% include ['foo', …
737 * fixed compilation of templates when the body of a child template is not empty
775 * moved display() method to Twig_Template (generated templates should now use doDisplay() instead)
883 * fixed child templates (with an extend tag) that uses one or more imports
965 As for any new release, don't forget to remove all cached templates after
1021 … $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates', '/path/to/compilation_cache', true);
1026 $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates');