Lines Matching refs:added

15  * added TemplateWrapper::getTemplateName()
27 * added preserveKeys support for the batch filter
29 * added the possibility to pass a TemplateWrapper to Twig\Environment::load()
31 * added a spaceless filter
32 * added max value to the "random" function
35 * added Twig\Loader\ChainLoader::getLoaders()
51 * added a second argument to the join filter (last separator configuration)
57 * added the "deprecated" tag
58 * added support for dynamically named tests
65 * added the Symfony ctype polyfill as a dependency
72 * added missing else clause to avoid infinite loops
81 * added an exception when using "===" instead of "same as"
89 * added Twig_Profiler_Profile::reset()
91 * added RuntimeExtensionInterface
92 * added circular reference detection when loading templates
96 * added support for runtime loaders in IntegrationTestCase
113 * added support for PHPUnit 6 when testing extensions
117 * added namespaced aliases for all (non-deprecated) classes and interfaces
141 * added a PSR-11 compatible runtime loader
142 * added `side` argument to `trim` to allow left or right trimming only.
146 * added Twig_NodeCaptureInterface for nodes that capture all output
154 * added Twig_FactoryRuntimeLoader
163 …* added support for {{ _self }} to provide an upgrade path from 1.x to 2.0 (replaces {{ _self.temp…
178 * added support for the PHP 7 null coalescing operator for the ?? Twig implementation
181 * added the "with" tag
182 * added support for a custom template on the block() function
183 * added "is defined" support for block() and constant()
198 * added Twig_Source to hold information about the original template
212 * added template cache invalidation based on more environment options
213 * added a missing deprecation notice
256 * added versions in deprecated messages
268 * deprecated Twig_ExtensionInterface::getGlobals() (added Twig_Extension_GlobalsInterface for BC)
269 …* deprecated Twig_ExtensionInterface::initRuntime() (added Twig_Extension_InitRuntimeInterface for…
292 …* added an option to force PHP bytecode invalidation when writing a compiled template into the cac…
297 * added a way to override the filesystem template cache system
298 * added a way to get the original template source from Twig_Template
304 * added Traversable support for replace, merge, and sort
313 * added deprecation notices for deprecated features
314 * added a deprecation "framework" for filters/functions/tests and test fixtures
322 * added Twig_BaseNodeVisitor to ease the compatibility of node visitors
328 * added support for variadic filters, functions, and tests
329 * added support for extra positional arguments in macros
330 * added ignore_missing flag to the source function
350 * added a new way to customize the main Module node (via empty nodes)
351 * added Twig_Environment::createTemplate() to create a template from a string
352 * added a profiler
357 * added a 'filename' autoescaping strategy, which dynamically chooses the
397 * added an error message when trying to import an undefined block from a trait
403 * added min and max functions
404 * added the round filter
407 * added a source function to include the content of a template without rendering it
420 * added support for PHP 5.5 DateTimeInterface
425 * added new operators: ends with, starts with, and matches
427 * added a way to add custom escaping strategies
441 * added the possibility to ignore the filesystem constructor argument in Twig_Loader_Filesystem
444 * added support for object instances as the second argument of the constant test
461 * added a batch filter
462 * added support for encoding an array as query string in the url_encode filter
468 * added the first and last filter
472 * added support for object instances as the second argument of the constant function
474 * added support for {{ some_string[:2] }}
478 * added verbatim as an alias for the raw tag to avoid confusion with the raw filter
484 * added an include function (does the same as the include tag but in a more flexible way)
485 * added the ability to use any PHP callable to define filters, functions, and tests
486 * added a syntax error when using a loop variable that is not defined
487 * added the ability to set default values for macro arguments
488 * added support for named arguments for filters, tests, and functions
490 * added support for extended ternary operator syntaxes
504 * added the template_from_string function
507 …* added Twig_ExistsLoaderInterface (implementing this interface in your loader make the chain load…
513 * added a split filter
528 * added namespaced templates support in Twig_Loader_Filesystem
529 * added Twig_Loader_Filesystem::prependPath()
547 * added escaping strategies for CSS, URL, and HTML attributes
549 * added the date_modify filter
559 * added the abs filter
575 * added a way to dynamically change the auto-escaping strategy according to the template "filename"
577 * added an embed tag
583 * added an iterable test
584 * added an error when defining two blocks with the same name in a template
585 * added the preserves_safety option for filters
588 * added Twig_Environment::mergeGlobals()
589 * added compilation checks to avoid misuses of the sandbox tag
612 * added preserveKeys support for the slice filter
614 * added a trim filter
620 * added a way to set the default global timezone for dates
628 …lters, tests, and functions management in Twig_Environment when a new one or new extension is added
630 * added slice notation support for the [] operator (syntactic sugar for the slice operator)
631 * added a slice filter
632 * added string support for the reverse filter
634 * added a date function to ease date comparison
636 * added recursive parsing support in the parser
637 * added string and integer handling for the random function
645 * added Traversable objects support for the join filter
649 * added a way to set the default global date interval format
652 * added a number_format filter
658 * added a do tag
659 * added a flush tag
660 * added support for dynamically named filters and functions
661 * added a dump function to help debugging templates
662 * added a nl2br filter
663 * added a random function
664 * added a way to change the default format for the date filter
666 * added string interpolation support
672 * added missing preserveKeys argument to the reverse filter
678 * added a C extension that can optionally replace Twig_Template::getAttribute()
679 * added negative timestamp support to the date filter
685 …* added an Exception to Twig_Loader_Array::isFresh() method when the template does not exist to be…
686 * added Twig_Function_Node to allow more complex functions to have their own Node class
687 * added Twig_Filter_Node to allow more complex filters to have their own Node class
688 * added Twig_Test_Node to allow more complex tests to have their own Node class
689 * added a better error message when a template is empty but contain a BOM
693 * added Twig_Environment::display()
695 * added a convert_encoding filter
705 * added an optimization for the parent() function
706 * added cache reloading when auto_reload is true and an extension has been modified
707 …* added the possibility to force the escaping of a string already marked as safe (instance of Twig…
709 * added traits support for the "parent" function
718 * added support for empty Countable objects for the "empty" test
720 * added better support for encoding problems when escaping a string (available as of PHP 5.4)
721 …* added a way to ignore a missing template when using the "include" tag ({% include "foo" ignore m…
722 …* added support for an array of templates to the "include" and "extends" tags ({% include ['foo', …
723 * added support for bitwise operators in expressions
724 * added the "attribute" function to allow getting dynamic attributes on variables
725 * added Twig_Loader_Chain
726 * added Twig_Loader_Array::setTemplate()
727 * added an optimization for the set tag when used to capture a large chunk of static text
730 * added "if" modifier support to "for" loops
740 * added PHPDoc for all Token parsers and Core extension functions
744 …* added a performance optimization in the Optimizer (also helps to lower the number of nested leve…
754 * added timezone support for the date filter
759 * added an exception when the template passed to "use" is not a string
761 * added {% line \d+ %} directive
770 * added support for horizontal reuse of template blocks (see docs for more information)
771 * added whitespace control modifier to all tags (see docs for more information)
772 * added null as an alias for none (the null test is also an alias for the none test now)
774 …* wrapped all compilation and runtime exceptions with Twig_Error_Runtime and added logic to guess …
786 * added support for macro name in the endmacro tag
810 …* added "needs_context" option for filters and functions (the context is then passed as a first ar…
811 * added global variables support
813 * added the "from" tag to import macros as functions
814 * added support for functions (a function is just syntactic sugar for a getAttribute() call)
816 * added an exception when a macro uses a reserved name
818 * added the "empty" test
838 * added the merge filter
845 * fixed filename not being added to syntax error messages
846 * added the autoescape option to enable/disable autoescaping
848 …* added a syntax error exception when parent block is used on a template that does not extend anot…
852 * added an Optimizer extension (enabled by default; optimizes "for" loops and "raw" filters)
853 * added priority to node visitors
873 * added file and line to Twig_Error_Runtime exceptions thrown from Twig_Template
876 * added the ** (power) operator
878 * added the spaceless tag
880 …* added support for is*() methods for attributes ( now looks for foo->getBar() or foo->isBa…
884 * added support for {{ 1 not in [2, 3] }} (more readable than the current {{ not (1 in [2, 3]) }})
889 * added a way to implement custom logic for resolving token parsers given a tag name
891 * added the following filers: "constant", "trans", "replace", "json_encode"
892 * added a "constant" test
895 * added "test" feature (accessible via the "is" operator)
899 * added the special _charset variable to reference the current charset
900 * added the special _context variable to reference the current context
911 * added a way to translate strings coming from a variable ({% trans var %})
926 …* added self as a special variable that refers to the current template (useful for importing macro…
927 * added Twig_Template instance support to the include tag
928 …* added support for dynamic and conditional inheritance ({% extends some_var %} and {% extends sta…
929 * added a grammar sub-framework to ease the creation of custom tags
933 * added a bunch of unit tests
934 * added a bunch of phpdoc
935 * added a sandbox tag in the sandbox extension
937 …* added strict_variable setting to throw an exception when an invalid variable is used in a templa…
938 * added the lexer, parser, and compiler as arguments to the Twig_Environment constructor
940 * added a way to add token parsers, filters, and visitors without creating an extension
941 * added three interfaces: Twig_NodeInterface, Twig_TokenParserInterface, and Twig_FilterInterface
944 …* added an exception when a child template has a non-empty body (as it is always ignored when rend…
950 * added support for __call() in expression resolution
953 * added the cycle filter
955 * added a long-syntax for the set tag ({% set foo %}...{% endset %})
957 * added support for gettext via the `i18n` extension
959 * added a more useful exception if an if tag is not closed properly
960 * added support for escaping strategy in the autoescape tag
985 * added the "without loop" option to the for tag (it disables the generation of the loop variable)
988 * added a way to specify variables to pass to an included template
993 * added the // operator (like the floor() PHP function)
994 * added the .. operator (as a syntactic sugar for the range filter when the step is 1)
995 * added the in operator (as a syntactic sugar for the in filter)
996 * added the following filters in the Core extension: in, range
997 …* added support for arrays (same behavior as in PHP, a mix between lists and dictionaries, arrays …
1006 * added support for DateTime instances for the date filter
1037 * added properties as part of the sandbox mode
1038 * added public properties support (obj.item can now be the item property on the obj object)
1046 * added a js escaping strategy
1047 * added support for short block tag
1050 * added set tag
1052 * added macro support
1056 * added $ escaping when outputting raw strings
1064 * added support for method calls with arguments ({{'a', 43) }})