Lines Matching refs:a

3  * fixed CheckToStringNode implementation (broken when a function/filter is variadic)
29 * added the possibility to pass a TemplateWrapper to Twig\Environment::load()
31 * added a spaceless filter
45 * fixed ArrayObject access with a null value
46 * fixed embedded templates starting with a BOM
47 * fixed using a Twig_TemplateWrapper instance as an argument to extends
51 * added a second argument to the join filter (last separator configuration)
55 * made sure twig_include returns a string
65 * added the Symfony ctype polyfill as a dependency
77 * fixed a regression in the way the profiler is registered in templates
131 * fixed a race condition handling when writing cache files
141 * added a PSR-11 compatible runtime loader
149 * turned fatal error into exception when a previously generated cache is corrupted
170 * improved a deprecation message
174 * fixed block() function when used with a template argument
179 * exposed a way to access template data and methods in a portable way
182 * added support for a custom template on the block() function
201 * fixed template paths when a template name contains a protocol like vfs://
213 * added a missing deprecation notice
214 * fixed template paths when a template is stored in a PHAR file
215 …* allowed filters/functions/tests implementation to use a different class than the extension they …
231 * fixed a potential PHP warning when loading the cache
232 * fixed a case where the autoescaping does not work as expected
246 * fixed the defined test when used on a constant, a map, or a sequence
274 * fixed regression when using null as a cache strategy
283 * fixed a race condition in template loading
292 …* added an option to force PHP bytecode invalidation when writing a compiled template into the cac…
297 * added a way to override the filesystem template cache system
298 * added a way to get the original template source from Twig_Template
314 * added a deprecation "framework" for filters/functions/tests and test fixtures
327 * fixed wrong error message when including an undefined template in a child template
344 * fixed the slice filter when used with a SimpleXMLElement object
350 * added a new way to customize the main Module node (via empty nodes)
351 * added Twig_Environment::createTemplate() to create a template from a string
352 * added a profiler
357 * added a 'filename' autoescaping strategy, which dynamically chooses the
358 autoescaping strategy for a template based on template file extension.
364 * fixed a regression in the slice filter
369 * fixed 2-words test names when a custom node class is not used
370 * fixed macros when using an argument named like a PHP super global (like GET or POST)
374 * fixed a regression in the in operator
375 * fixed a regression in the slice filter
379 * improved error reporting in a sandboxed template
385 * fixed the attribute() function when passing a variable for the arguments
390 * fixed inheritance in a 'use'-hierarchy
397 * added an error message when trying to import an undefined block from a trait
398 * fixed a C extension crash when accessing defined but uninitialized property.
405 * fixed a bug that prevented the optimizers to be enabled/disabled selectively
407 * added a source function to include the content of a template without rendering it
419 * fixed the possibility to have a variable named 'matches'
427 * added a way to add custom escaping strategies
429 * fixed the batch filter when using a fill argument with an exact match of elements to batch
430 * fixed the filesystem loader cache when a template name exists in several namespaces
432 * fixed a crash of the C extension on an edge case
442 * fixed Twig_Loader_Chain::exists() for a loader which implements Twig_ExistsLoaderInterface
449 * fixed getting a numeric-like item on a variable ('09' for instance)
450 * fixed getting a boolean or float key on an array, so it is consistent with PHP's array access:
458 * fixed a security issue in the filesystem loader where it was possible to include a template one
460 * fixed fatal error that should be an exception when adding a filter/function/test too late
461 * added a batch filter
466 …* fixed the timezone used by the date filter and function when the given date contains a timezone …
473 * relaxed globals management to avoid a BC break
484 * added an include function (does the same as the include tag but in a more flexible way)
486 * added a syntax error when using a loop variable that is not defined
495 * fixed escaping when calling a macro inside another one (regression introduced in 1.9.1)
497 …* fixed a crash of the C extension when an exception was thrown from a macro called without being …
501 * fixed macro compilation when a variable name is a PHP reserved keyword
512 * reverted a BC break introduced in 1.10.2
513 * added a split filter
521 * made a speed optimization to macro calls when imported via the "import" tag
523 * fixed a segfault in the C extension when using DateTime objects
530 * fixed an error when a token parser pass a closure as a test to the subparse() method
535 …* fixed the C extension when accessing a public property of an object implementing the \ArrayAcces…
546 * fixed exception trace when an error occurs when rendering a child template
553 * fixed paths in the filesystem loader when passing a path that ends with a slash or a backslash
554 * fixed escaping when a project defines a function named html or js
560 * fixed a regression when using a number in template attributes
566 * fixed a regression when dealing with SimpleXMLElement instances in templates
573 * fixed a side-effect of the date filter where the timezone might be changed
574 …utoescape tag; the only (optional) argument is now the escaping strategy or false (with a BC layer)
575 * added a way to dynamically change the auto-escaping strategy according to the template "filename"
576 …* changed the autoescape option to also accept a supported escaping strategy (for BC, true is equi…
581 * fixed a PHP warning when using CIFS
584 * added an error when defining two blocks with the same name in a template
586 * fixed a PHP notice when trying to access a key on a non-object/array variable
595 * fixed a regression when a template only extends another one without defining any blocks
606 …lation of numeric values used in templates when using a locale where the decimal separator is not
613 * fixed the date filter when a DateTime instance is passed with a specific timezone
614 * added a trim filter
620 * added a way to set the default global timezone for dates
622 * fixed the creation of the cache directory in case of a race condition
627 * made a speed optimization to macro calls when imported via the "from" tag
628 …visitors, filters, tests, and functions management in Twig_Environment when a new one or new exten…
631 * added a slice filter
634 * added a date function to ease date comparison
641 * fixed a regression when parsing strings
649 * added a way to set the default global date interval format
652 * added a number_format filter
658 * added a do tag
659 * added a flush tag
661 * added a dump function to help debugging templates
662 * added a nl2br filter
663 * added a random function
664 * added a way to change the default format for the date filter
665 * fixed the lexer when an operator ending with a letter ends a line
678 * added a C extension that can optionally replace Twig_Template::getAttribute()
684 …ce of the .. operator to be more consistent with languages that implements such a feature like Ruby
689 * added a better error message when a template is empty but contain a BOM
695 * added a convert_encoding filter
707 …* added the possibility to force the escaping of a string already marked as safe (instance of Twig…
717 * enhanced the exception when a tag remains unclosed
719 …* fixed algorithm that determines if a template using inheritance is valid (no output between bloc…
720 * added better support for encoding problems when escaping a string (available as of PHP 5.4)
721 …* added a way to ignore a missing template when using the "include" tag ({% include "foo" ignore m…
727 * added an optimization for the set tag when used to capture a large chunk of static text
728 …* changed name regex to match PHP one "[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*" (works for blocks…
729 * removed the possibility to use the "extends" tag from a block
737 * fixed compilation of templates when the body of a child template is not empty
738 * fixed output when a macro throws an exception
739 * fixed a parsing problem when a large chunk of text is enclosed in a comment tag
744 …* added a performance optimization in the Optimizer (also helps to lower the number of nested leve…
759 * added an exception when the template passed to "use" is not a string
760 * made 'a.b is defined' not throw an exception if a is not defined (in strict mode)
767 * fixed date filter when using a timestamp
769 * fixed a parsing problem when a large chunk of text is enclosed in a raw tag
798 * the "items" filter, which has been deprecated for quite a long time now, has been removed
799 * the "range" filter has been converted to a function: 0|range(10) -> range(0, 10)
800 …* the "constant" filter has been converted to a function: {{ some_date|date('DATE_W3C'|constant) }…
801 …* the "cycle" filter has been converted to a function: {{ ['odd', 'even']|cycle(i) }} -> {{ cycle(…
804 …* the "parent" tag has been replaced by a "parent" function ({{ parent() }} instead of {% parent %…
805 …* the "display" tag has been replaced by a "block" function ({{ block('title') }} instead of {% di…
810 …* added "needs_context" option for filters and functions (the context is then passed as a first ar…
812 …* made macros return their value instead of echoing directly (fixes calling a macro in sandbox mod…
814 * added support for functions (a function is just syntactic sugar for a getAttribute() call)
816 * added an exception when a macro uses a reserved name
830 * arrays and hashes have now a different syntax
832 * hashes now use curly braces (["a": "b"] should now be written as {"a": "b"})
839 …* removed 'is_escaper' option for filters (a left over from the previous version) -- you must use …
847 * removed the newline after a comment (mimics PHP behavior)
848 …* added a syntax error exception when parent block is used on a template that does not extend anot…
851 * fixed escaper when wrapping a Twig_Node_Print (the original class must be preserved)
870 * the "in" filter has been removed ({{ a|in(b) }} should now be written {{ a in b }})
888 * fixed error handling for if tag when a syntax error occurs within a subparse process
889 * added a way to implement custom logic for resolving token parsers given a tag name
890 * fixed js escaper to be stricter (now uses a whilelist-based js escaper)
892 * added a "constant" test
911 * added a way to translate strings coming from a variable ({% trans var %})
916 * fixed set tag when used with a capture
926 …* added self as a special variable that refers to the current template (useful for importing macro…
929 * added a grammar sub-framework to ease the creation of custom tags
933 * added a bunch of unit tests
934 * added a bunch of phpdoc
935 * added a sandbox tag in the sandbox extension
937 …* added strict_variable setting to throw an exception when an invalid variable is used in a templa…
939 * changed the cache option to only accepts an explicit path to a cache directory or false
940 * added a way to add token parsers, filters, and visitors without creating an extension
943 …* fixed sandbox mode (__toString() method check was not enforced if called implicitly from a simpl…
944 …* added an exception when a child template has a non-empty body (as it is always ignored when rend…
948 * fixed variables defined outside a loop and for which the value changes in a for loop
952 * fixed nested block definitions with a parent call (rarely useful but nonetheless supported now)
955 * added a long-syntax for the set tag ({% set foo %}...{% endset %})
959 * added a more useful exception if an if tag is not closed properly
961 * fixed lexer when a template has a big chunk of text between/in a block
988 * added a way to specify variables to pass to an included template
994 * added the .. operator (as a syntactic sugar for the range filter when the step is 1)
995 * added the in operator (as a syntactic sugar for the in filter)
997 …* added support for arrays (same behavior as in PHP, a mix between lists and dictionaries, arrays …
1009 * fixed a bug when a literal '\n' were present in a template text
1010 * fixed bug when the filename of a template contains */
1035 * removed output when an error occurs in a template and render() is used
1046 * added a js escaping strategy
1053 …* changed filters first optional argument to be a Twig_Environment instance instead of a Twig_Temp…
1054 * made Twig_Autoloader::autoload() a static method
1062 * fixed a bug in PHP 5.2.6
1064 * added support for method calls with arguments ({{'a', 43) }})