Lines Matching refs:not

9 ….com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/2236): Exceptions in `tearDown()` do not affect `getStatus()`
10 …n/phpunit/issues/2950): Class extending `PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite` does not extend `PHPUnit\Fra…
18 …anbergmann/phpunit/issues/2833): Test class loaded during data provider execution is not discovered
19not discovered when there is a test class with `@group` and provider throwing exception in it, tes…
31 …anbergmann/phpunit/issues/2833): Test class loaded during data provider execution is not discovered
59 …/ `phpunit --version` does not display version whe…
72 …: `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase:registerMockObjectsFromTestArguments()` does not correctly handle ar…
78 * Fixed [#2016]( `prophesize()` does not
80 … `getMockFromWsdl()` does not handle URLs with qu…
95 * Fixed [#2149]( `assertCount()` does not
96 … Tests that take too long are not reported as risky t…
102 …bastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/2489): `processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist` is not handled correctly
109 …x for [#2475]( does not apply to PHPUnit 5.7
115 … Defining a test suite with only one file does not work
149 …it/issues/2299): `expectExceptionMessage()` and `expectExceptionCode()` do not work without `expec…
150 …t/issues/2328): `TestListener` callbacks `startTest()` and `endTest()` are not called when test is…
152 …mann/phpunit/issues/2333): `assertContains()` and `assertNotContains()` do not handle UTF-8 string…
154 … `PHPUnit_TextUI_Command` does not `exit()` when it sh…
156 … `assertArraySubset()` does not support `ArrayAcces…
164 …tps:// TestDox group configuration is not handled
165 …n/phpunit/pull/2428): Nested arrays specificied in XML configuration file are not handled correctly
177 * Fixed [#2394]( Do not treat `AssertionE…
189 …bastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/2382): Uncloneable test doubles passed via data provider do not work