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5 but also how to statically resolve the partial name of a Class into a Fully Qualified Class Name (F…
7 PSR-5 also introduces an additional way to describe deeper elements than Classes, Interfaces and Tr…
8 called the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name (FQSEN). Using this it is possible to refer to m…
19 The easiest way to install this library is with [Composer]( using the follo…
25 Ready to dive in and don't want to read through all that text below? Just consult the [examples](ex…
26 check which type of action that your want to accomplish.
45 …> please note that if you want to pass partial class names that additional steps are necessary, se…
61 In order to resolve a type you will have to instantiate the class `\phpDocumentor\Reflection\TypeRe…
73 The real power of this resolver is in its capability to expand partial class names into fully quali…
74 in order to do that we need an additional `\phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\Context` class that will…
79 A Fully Qualified Structural Element Name is a reference to another element in your code bases and …
90 The real power of this resolver is in its capability to expand partial element names into Fully Qua…
91 Element Names; but in order to do that we need an additional `\phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\Conte…
96 Perhaps the best feature of this library is that it knows how to resolve partial class names into f…
118 Suppose that you would want to resolve (and expand) the type in the `@var` tag and the element name…
119 For the resolvers to know how to expand partial names you have to provide a bit of _Context_ for th…
134 Or by using the `\phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\ContextFactory` to instantiate a new context based…
135 object or by providing the namespace that you'd like to extract and the source code of the file in …
163 the `getFqsen` method to receive a Value Object that represents the complete FQSEN. So that would b…
170 > is an object (signified by the `object` keyword) but does not refer to a specific element using a…
172 Another example is on how to resolve the FQSEN of a method as can be seen with the `@see` tag in th…
181 `resolve` method of the FQSEN Resolver you will receive an `Fqsen` object that refers to