Lines Matching refs:from

12 - xmlRootPrefix missing from unserialized metadata [\#1050](…
25 - xmlRootPrefix missing from unserialized metadata [\#1053](…
145 - Move resolveMetadata from the GraphNavigator [\#906](…
182 - Move data handling from graph navigator to visitor [\#920](…
278 - Fixed issue where timezone is lost when creating DateTime from unix timestamp [\#835](https://git…
339 - Empty array removed from XML serialization [\#816](…
456 - Form validation error response - field names not converted from camel case to underscore [\#587](…
466 - getClassName regex may incorrectly retrieve a false class name from comments above the class. [\#…
470 - Serializing to and deserializing from DateTime is inconsistent [\#394](…
479 - "Can't pop from an empty datastructure" error when multiple serializer calls [\#319](https://gith…
497 - Hierarchical object serialization does not appear to inherit metadata from ancestors for metadata…
529 - Is it possible to deserialize Collection from Json [\#534](…
641 - BC from 1.1.\* to ^1.2 [\#643](
756 …ets an error when deserilizing because composer didn't download the class from doctrine. [\#596](h…
858 - Try to identify getter/setter from an excluded property [\#278](…
868 - fix json output \(from \[\] to {} if empty\) of form error [\#462](…
897 - Allow to fetch data from has\*\(\) with public\_method [\#243](…
933 - Deserialize DateTime from js Date.toJSON format fail [\#145](…
937 - Serialize to/from array? [\#133](
1037 - Extract json specific logic from GenericSerializationVisitor [\#29](…
1050 - Filter out non-identifiers from $data before calling find\(\) [\#1](…