Lines Matching refs:a

60 - fixed a typo [\#1014]( ([themasch](https://git…
69 - when a typed array is missing, do not try to de-serialize it [\#1012](…
153 - Serializing a self-referencing object returns null [\#845](…
156 - serialize null should be a boolean in the context [\#740](…
238 - Cange the spelling of a word [\#939]( ([greg0ir…
276 - Allow excluded private properties to not have a getter acc… [\#863](…
365 - Added support for a third deserialize parameter for the DateTime type [\#788](…
412 - Error deserializing a map of \(nullable\) objects [\#762](…
419 - Make sure input is always a string [\#755]( ([g…
428 - Is it possible to use @XmlNamespace & @XmlRoot in a class at same time ? [\#759](https://github.c…
433 - Add a quick reference for how to enable expression evaluator [\#758](…
466 - getClassName regex may incorrectly retrieve a false class name from comments above the class. [\#…
477 - When setting a group of serialization, the inheritance doesn't work anymore [\#328](https://githu…
526 - DoctrineObjectConstructor: how to use it without Symfony, in a PHP project [\#741](https://github…
551 - Serialize a subclass [\#735](
560 - How to deserialize JSON if property might have a list of subobjects? [\#355](…
565 - Discriminator is not exposed when using a group exclusion strategy [\#157](…
588 - SerializedName based on a property value [\#716](…
592 - OneToOne entities are not deserialized if passing a nested one-to-one property [\#652](https://gi…
600 - Obtain VirtualProperty value using a service [\#359](…
604 - I'm receiving "Class ArrayCollection does not exist" when serializing \(temporarily solved with a
740 - No way to serialize binary data with a custom type [\#202](…
756 - Trying to decorate a member to ArrayCollection but gets an error when deserilizing because compos…
768 - Added public `hasData` function to check if a data key already have been added. [\#625](https://g…
799 - Ignoring a tag when deserializing [\#352](
805 - Composer is not able to resolve a dependency [\#608](…
811 - Fix for a broken test: a missing \(incorrectly positioned\) argument [\#577](…
814 - Generic way to solve setValue on a property which respects its setter [\#550](…
823 - Travis needs a renewed token to be able to set the status [\#495](…
824 - Serialize a many-to-many relation [\#474](
874 - Fixes a typo in the annotations.rst [\#363]( ([…
939 - Skip an element based on a condition in a XmlList [\#121](…
965 - How access to the current serializing group in a subscriber ? [\#99](…
979 - Document the SubscribingHandlerInterface a bit [\#115](…
1008 - Could you tag a stable version? [\#34](
1021 - The NavigatorContext now holds a metadata stack [\#28](…