Lines Matching refs:Exception

19 # Hoa\Exception
23 …cumentation-hack_book-ff0066.svg)](
27 (that are sent over the `hoa://Event/Exception` event channel), idle exceptions
31 [Learn more](
79 $exception = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Hello %s!', 0, 'world');
93 $previous = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Hello previous.');
94 $exception = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Hello %s!', 0, 'world', $previous);
105 * Nested exception (Hoa\Exception\Exception):
113 Most exceptions in Hoa extend `Hoa\Exception\Exception`, which fire themselves
114 on the `hoa://Event/Exception` event channel (please, see [the `Hoa\Event`
119 Hoa\Event\Event::getEvent('hoa://Event/Exception')->attach(
127 Only the `Hoa\Exception\Idle` exceptions are not fired on the channel event.
131 Groups of exceptions are represented by the `Hoa\Exception\Group`. A group is an
148 $group = new Hoa\Exception\Group('Failed because of several reasons.');
149 $group['first'] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('First reason');
150 $group['second'] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Second reason');
153 $group['third'] = new Hoa\Exception\Group('Third reason');
154 $group['third']['fourth'] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Fourth reason');
184 $group = new Hoa\Exception\Group('Failed because of several reasons.');
185 $group[] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Always present.');
189 $group[] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Might be present.');
201 [hack book of `Hoa\Exception`](