Lines Matching refs:https

15 - [165: Update the composer branch alias]( thanks …
16 - [209: Change Annotation::value typehint to mixed](…
17 - [257: Skip parsing annotations containing dashes, such as `@Foo-bar`, or `@Foo-`](https://github.…
25 - [145: Memory leak in AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader() when called multiple times](https://git…
26 - [146: Import error on @experimental Annotation](…
27 - [147: Ignoring @experimental annotation used by Symfony 3.3 CacheAdapter](…
28 - [151: Remove duplicate code in `DCOM58Test`]( th…
29 - [161: Prevent loading class_exists multiple times](…
30 - [162: Add registerUniqueLoader to AnnotationRegistry](…
31 - [163: Use assertDirectoryExists and assertDirectoryNotExists](…
45 - [133: Add @throws annotation in AnnotationReader#__construct()](…
46 - [134: Require PHP 7.1, drop HHVM support]( tha…
47 - [135: Prevent the same loader from being registered twice](…
48 - [137: #135 optimise multiple class load attempts in AnnotationRegistry](…
56 - [115: Missing annotations with the latest composer version](…
57 - [120: Missing annotations with the latest composer version](…
58 - [121: Adding a more detailed explanation of the test](…
59 - [101: Test annotation parameters containing space](…
60 - [111: Cleanup: move to correct phpunit assertions](…
61 - [112: Removes support for PHP 5.x]( thanks to @r…
62 - [113: bumped phpunit version to 5.7]( thanks to …
63 - [114: Enhancement: Use SVG Travis build badge]( …
64 - [118: Integrating PHPStan]( thanks to @ondrejmir…
70 anyway. [#110](
74 traits were defined on a class. [#105](
78 - [105: Return single max timestamp](
79 - [110: setIgnoreNotImportedAnnotations(true) didn’t work for existing classes](https://githu…
105 - [45: DocParser can now ignore whole namespaces](
106 - [57: Switch to the docker-based infrastructure on Travis](…
107 - [59: opcache.load_comments has been removed from PHP 7](…
108 - [62: [CachedReader\ Test traits and parent class to see if cache is fresh](https://github…
109 - [65: Remove cache salt making key unnecessarily long](…
110 - [66: Fix of incorrect parsing multibyte strings](
111 - [68: Annotations that are indented by tab are not processed.](…
112 - [69: Support for Group Use Statements](
113 - [70: Allow tab character before first annotation in DocBlock](…
114 - [74: Ignore not registered annotations fix](
115 - [92: Added tests for AnnotationRegistry class.](
116 - [96: Fix/#62 check trait and parent class ttl in annotations](…
117 - [97: Feature - #45 - allow ignoring entire namespaces](…
118 - [98: Enhancement/#65 remove cache salt from cached reader](…
119 - [99: Fix - #70 - allow tab character before first annotation in docblock](…
125 - [51: FileCacheReader::saveCacheFile::unlink fix](
129 Total issues resolved: [**2**](
131 - [49: #46 - applying correct `chmod()` to generated cache file](…
132 - [50: Hotfix: match escaped quotes (revert #44)](
138 - [43: Exclude files from distribution with .gitattributes](…
139 - [44: Update DocLexer.php](
140 - [46: A plain "file_put_contents" can cause havoc](…
141 - [48: Deprecating the `FileCacheReader` in 1.2.2: will be removed in 2.0.0](…
147 - [38: fixes doctrine/common#326](
148 - [39: Remove superfluous NS](
149 - [41: Warn if load_comments is not enabled.](
150 - [42: Clean up unused uses](