Lines Matching refs:FCKLang

1 FCKLang.FontsSelectTypeFace = 'Select a type face. . ';
2 FCKLang.FontsDlgButtonWeight = "Font weight";
3 FCKLang.FontsDlgNormal = 'Normal';
4 FCKLang.FontsDlgButtonSize = 'Font size';
5 FCKLang.FontsDlgBold = 'Bold';
6 FCKLang.FontsToolTip = 'Font Selection';
7 FCKLang.FontsDlgTitle = 'Fonts Selection Tool';
8 FCKLang.FontsDlgButtonOtherSize ='Other size';
9 FCKLang.FontsSizeWarning ='Please set a font size';
10 FCKLang.FontsSelectTextWarning = 'You must select text for formatting.';
11 FCKLang.FontsSelectWarning = 'Please select a type face';
12 FCKLang.FontsRemoveAll='Remove all formatting';
13 FCKLang.FontsRemoveSize='Remove size';
14 FCKLang.FontsRemoveFontFamily='Remove type face';
15 FCKLang.FontsForceRemove = 'Unable to remove some or all of the formatting. It is possible to forc…
16 FCKLang.FontsAttemptRemove = 'Will try to remove formatting: ';
17 FCKLang.fontsHelp = 'With this tool you can select a font, its size and its weight.'
24 FCKLang.fontSamples = "Show Samples";
25 FCKLang.fontColorSample = "Color Sample";
26 FCKLang.fontColors = "Show Colors";
27 FCKLang.fontSamplesHide = "Hide Samples";
28 FCKLang.fontColorsHide = "Hide Colors";
29 FCKLang.fontColorSampleHeader = "Color Samples",
30 FCKLang.FontsColorOptions = 'Color Options';
31 FCKLang.FontsColorOptionsFGColor= 'Original text color';
32 FCKLang.FontsColorOptionsBGColor= 'Original background color';
33 FCKLang.FontsColorOptionsOriginalColors= 'Original text and background';
34 FCKLang.FontsColorOptionsRemoveColors='Remove colors';
35 FCKLang.fontFGColorBut="Text color";
36 FCKLang.fontBGColorBut="Background color";