Lines Matching refs:to

28 …texts as illustrated in the preview box. It can also be used to align images with respect to one a…
29 DlgImgHelpLiLeft : "Use <b>left</b> alignment to create a horizontal row of images.",
30 DlgImgHelpLiBase : "Use <b>baseline</b> to create a vertical column of images at the left-hand m…
31 DlgImgHelpLiRight : "Use <b>right</b> and <b>middle</b> to create columns at the center and right…
38 …rtName : "A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to ",
39 DlgImgAlertSecurity : "Security error. You probably don't have enough permissions to upload. Please…
52 DlgnLnkMsgQSErr : "Malformed Query String element(s). Press Cancel to revise:",
55 DlgLnkIntExtras : "To create a query string and/or to set a page anchor from Dokuwiki headers, …
94 FileBrowserError_103: 'You have no permissions to create the folder.',
96 …r_201: 'A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to: ',
98 FileBrowserError_203: 'You do not have permission to upload files to this folder. If you think th…
99 FileBrowserError_204: 'Unable to delete the selected file',
100 FileBrowserError_205: 'Unable to rename the selected file; check your directory/write permisssions…
111 FolderMoveWarning: 'You can only move files to a folder one level below the current directory',
112 FolderMovePrompt: 'Subdirectory of current directory to which you want to move ',
136 AbbrDlgName : "Enter Plugin Name--try to be exact",
138 AbbrDlgSelectFirst : "You have to select the plugin syntax first!",
143 //Paragraph to Break
144 ParagraphToBreak : "<P> to <BR>",
157 GeshiInstructionList: "There are two ways to create Geshi code blocks. <OL><LI>You can paste your…
174 // so they should be edited rather than added to the file
193 VKIllustrationText: '<b>Top row functions from left-to-right</b><br />'
194to its right opens a drop-down menu of languages; selecting one of these immediately changes the k…
196 …+ '3. The up and down arrows to the right of the hash change the size of the keyboard and its font…