Lines Matching refs:this

33         $this->size = $size;
34 $this->fullsize = $this->size * 5;
36 $this->center = floor($this->fullsize / 2);
37 $this->ringwidth = floor($this->fullsize / $rings);
39 $this->seed = random_int(0, mt_getrandmax()) . time();
47 * @param string $seed initialize the genrator with this string
55 $this->seed = $seed;
58 if ($this->ismono) {
59 $this->monocolor = [$this->rand(20, 255), $this->rand(20, 255), $this->rand(20, 255)];
61 $this->monocolor = null;
65 $image = $this->createTransparentImage($this->fullsize, $this->fullsize);
66 $arcwidth = $this->fullsize;
67 for ($i = $this->rings; $i > 0; $i--) {
68 $this->drawRing($image, $arcwidth);
69 $arcwidth -= $this->ringwidth;
73 $out = $this->createTransparentImage($this->size, $this->size);
74 imagecopyresampled($out, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->size, $this->size, $this->fullsize, $this->fullsize);
92 $this->ismono = $ismono;
106 $this->seed = md5($this->seed);
107 $rand = hexdec(substr($this->seed, 0, 8));
119 $color = $this->randomColor($image);
120 $transparency = $this->transparentColor($image);
122 $start = $this->rand(20, 360);
123 $stop = $this->rand(20, 360);
126 imagefilledarc($image, $this->center, $this->center, $arcwidth, $arcwidth, $stop, $start, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
129 $this->center,
130 $this->center,
131 $arcwidth - $this->ringwidth,
132 $arcwidth - $this->ringwidth,
159 if ($this->ismono) {
162 $this->monocolor[0],
163 $this->monocolor[1],
164 $this->monocolor[2],
165 $this->rand(0, 96)
170 $this->rand(0, 255),
171 $this->rand(0, 255),
172 $this->rand(0, 255)
191 $transparency = $this->transparentColor($image);