Lines Matching refs:a

4 This plugin includes domain privacy features allow you to embed content without needing a cookie / …
5 the embedded content This plugin will ask the user to accept embedded content from a domain before …
19 * Go to and create a Google developer account
20 * Once registered add a YouTube Data API v3 API to your account.
22 restriction for a production server.
35 …PRIVACY_DISCLAIMER** Parameter - The default disclaimer for an embed if you have not set a specific
38 …er the domain you want to whitelist. If you wish to set a custom disclaimer for this domain use a
40 … You must accept the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="…
42 * Separate each whitelist item with a new line
49 Each parameter: is followed by a space and values enclosed in "". Parameters are separated by ' | '…
62 * `width: ` - The width of the embedded content. Enter a number with no units e.g. `width: "300"`
63 * `height: ` - the height of the embedded content. Enter a number with no units e.g. `height: "600"`
67 To display a video from YouTube use the following syntax:
93 The following syntax is used to get the latest video from a YouTube playlist.
95 Note that the rendered dokuwiki page is cached, you may want to find a way to auto purge your cache…
98 The video ID's are stored and cached in a json cache file - these cache files last for the number o…
113 The following syntax is used to embed a fusion file using the fusion web player: