Lines Matching refs:should

346 * The `\Elastica\Query::$_suggest` property has been renamed to `$hasSuggest` and is now private, it should not be used from extending classes [#1679](
520 - in order to delete an index you should not delete by its alias now you should delete using the [concrete index name]( [#1348](
530 - [Unfiltered nested source]( should keep its full path [#1366](
536 - [Unfiltered nested source]( should keep its full path [#1366](
553 - In PHP 7.2 count() now raises a warning when an invalid parameter is passed. Only arrays and objects implementing the Countable interface should be passed. [#1378](
677 - Query options such as "timeout" or "terminate_after" should not be ignored when using Multi\Search
723 - Removed Elastica\Type::delete() It is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should delete the index and recreate it with the new mappings.
786 - Removed `int` type hinting in `setMinimumMatch` (`Terms` Query): it should also allow `string`. [#1151](
909 - Elastica\Type::delete now throw DeprecatedException, it is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should delete the index and recreate it with the new mappings
1546 - Adapted possible values (not only in) for minimum_should_match param based on elasticsearch documetnation
1727 - Added Thrift transport. Ir requires installing munkie/elasticsearch-thrift-php package and elasticsearch-tranport-thrift plugin should be installed in elastcisearch
1789 - Remove unsupported use of minimum number should match for Boolean Filter