Lines Matching refs:set

31 * Use `ramsey/composer-install` to simplify CI jobs and test with the lowest set of dependencies [#2113](
263 * The `Wildcard::setValue()` changed its signature: use it to set the value of the wildcard query only.
376 * Always set the Guzzle `base_uri` to support connecting to multiple ES hosts. [#1618](
394 * Allow metadata to be set on Aggregations (via `AbstractAggregation::setMeta(array)`). [#1677](
426 * Made result sets adhere to `\Iterator` interface definition that they implement. Specifically, you need to call `valid()` on the result set before calling `current()`. When using `foreach` this is done by PHP automatically. When `valid` returns false, the return value of `current` is undefined instead of false. [#1506](
485 - Fix [#1456]( set SSL as connection scheme if it is required
577 - Fix elastic 5.3.x deprecation warning related to Content-Type not being set.
697 - Remove index.merge.policy.merge_factor, and set/get MergePolicy as it looks deprecated from ES 1.6
705 - Remove Elastica\Document::add as deprecated. Use Elastica\Document::set instead
809 - Fix fatal error on `Query::addScriptField()` if scripts were already set via `setScriptFields()` [#1086](
820 - Properties on \Elastica\ResultSet _totalHits, _maxScore, _took and _timedOut that were originally set on object construction are now accessed by the getters on the ResultSet. [#1065](
830 - `Elastica\Client->connect()` allows to establish a connection to ES server when the config was set using method `Elastica\Client->setConfigValue()` [#1077](
889 - Elastica\Query\MultiMatch::setFuzziness now supports being set to `AUTO` with the const `MultiMatch::FUZZINESS_AUTO`
944 - Connection option to convert JSON bigint results to strings can now be set [#717](
1264 - Removed the requirement to set arguments filter and/or query in Filtered, according to the documentation: [#616](
1600 - Second param to \Elastica\Search.php:count($query = '', $fullResult = false) added. If second param is set to true, full ResultSet is returned including facets.
1717 - Add get/set/has/remove methods to Document
1719 - Document::add method became deprecated, use set instead
1720 - Populate document id created by elasticsearch on addDocument()/addDocuments() call if no document id was set
1721 - Populate updated fields in document on Client::updateDocument() call if fields options is set
1742 - Elastica_Type::updateDocument() now takes Elastica_Document instead of Elastica_Script (BC break). Script can be set to document to perform script update.
1824 - Allow to set curl params over client config [#106]( [#107](
1929 - Elastica_Filter_Abstract enhanced for more general usage (set/get/addParam(s)) added
1933 - Elastica_Index_Settings::set/get response updated. get('...') does not require 'index.' in front anymore
1944 - Elastica_Index_Settings::getMergePolicyMergeFactor and set removed because of enhanced merge policy implementation in ES 0.17.0
1986 - getMergePolicyMergeFactor and getRefreshInterval to Elastica_Type_Settings added. If no value is set, default values are returned
1993 - Elastica_Type_Mapping object introduced to set more fine grained mapping