Lines Matching refs:pull

21 * Added missing `@throws` annotations to Client::request and related methods [#2153](
31 * Use `ramsey/composer-install` to simplify CI jobs and test with the lowest set of dependencies [#2113](
32 * Bumped `elasticsearch/elasticsearch` to `7.10` to be able to use `OpenPointInTime` class [#2113](
33 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `3.9.5` [#2110](
34 * Changed `Elastica\Index\Settings::get` adding ability to get default settings by @krasilnikovm [#2115](
35 * Update `AWSAuthV4 transport` to sanitize host name for AWS requests before signing [#2090](
36 * New method `Elastica\Aggregation\Terms::setMissingBucket`. For Composite Agg. Include in the response documents without a value for a given source. [#2117](
37 * Increased `PHPStan` level to `5` by @franmomu [#2108](
39 * Removed `CallbackStrategyTestHelper` and `ErrorsCollector` from `tests` [#2111](
41 * Fixed `Query/Terms` terms phpdoc from `array<bool|float|int|string>` to `list<bool|float|int|string>` [#2118](
46 * Changed `SetProcessor::setValue` signature to allow to pass any type, if you are overriding this method you must update the signature removing the `string` type-hint by @franmomu [#2082](
47 * Changed `Settings::setMergePolicy` signature to allow to pass `int` and `string` as argument 2, if you are overriding this method you must update the signature removing the `string` type-hint by @franmomu [#2085](
49 * Added `PHPStan` at level 3 by @franmomu [#2064](
50 * Added coverage check to CI by @franmomu [#2071](
51 * Added `string` as a valid type for `data` in `Request` by @franmomu [#2078](
52 * Added missing `throws` PHPDoc tags by @franmomu [#2077](
53 * Added `Search::addIndexByName()`, `Search::hasIndexByName()` and `Search::addIndicesByName()` by @franmomu [#2103](
55 * Updated `symfony/phpunit-bridge` to `6.0` by @franmomu [#2067](
56 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `3.8.0` [#2074](
57 * Updated `composer-normalize` to `2.2.28` by @deguif [#2084](
58 * Increased `PHPStan` level to `4` [#2080](
59 * `ExceptionInterface` extends `Throwable` [#2083](
60 * Changed `value` in `SetProcessor` to accept `mixed` instead of `string` by @franmomu [#2082](
61 * Updated `Query::create` PHPDoc to include supported types and propagate it to callers by @franmomu [#2088](
62 * Update some iterable types in PHPDoc to be more specific by @franmomu [#2092](
63 * Updated `AwsAuthV4Test` adding assertions for exception type by @franmomu [#2094](
65 * Deprecated `Elastica\Reindex::WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION_FALSE`, use a boolean as parameter instead by @franmomu [#2070](
66 * Passing anything else than a boolean as 1st argument to `Reindex::setWaitForCompletion`, pass a boolean instead by @franmomu [#2070](
67 * Deprecated passing a `string` as 1st argument to `Search::addIndex()` and `Search::hasIndex()`, pass an Index instance instead by @franmomu [#2103](
68 * Deprecated passing an array of `string` as 1st argument to `Search::addIndices()`, use an array of Index instances by @franmomu [#2103](
71 * Removed `egeloen/http-adapter` as suggested package since the project is abandoned by @franmomu [#2069](
72 * Removed `0` as valid request data using Analyze API by @franmomu [#2068](
73 * Removed dead code in `AwsAuthV4Test` by @franmomu [#2073](
75 * Fixed some PHPDoc types adding `null` as possible value by @franmomu [#2070]( and [#2087](
76 * Fixed passing wrong types to `GapPolicyInterface::setGapPolicy()`, `Document::setDocAsUpsert()` and `Connection::setPort()` methods by @franmomu [#2081](
77 * Fixed `Http` PHPDoc adding `\CurlHandle` type for Curl connection by @franmomu [#2086](
78 * Fixed case mismatch in method calls by @franmomu [#2087](
79 * Fixed `MoreLikeThis::setLike()` PHPDoc allowing `Document` by @franmomu [#2091](
80 * Fixed `Term::setTerm()` PHPDoc allowing scalar values for `$value` parameter by @franmomu [#2094](
81 * Fixed `DateHistogram` deprecation: use `fixed_interval` or `calendar_interval` instead of `interval` by @VincentLanglet [#2099](
85 * Added explicit return annotation to `Elastica\Multi\ResultSet::current()` and `Elastica\Multi\ResultSet::offsetGet()` by @franmomu [2056](
86 * Add throwing `\Elastica\Exception\RequestEntityTooLargeException` on HTTP-413 responses in `\Elastica\Bulk` by @Vetaxon [2055](
90 * Added support for `symfony/deprecation-contracts` 3.0 by @rguennichi [#2047](
91 * Added aggregation `auto_date_histogram` @andriinavrotskii [#2051](
93 * Fixed version parameters for DeleteDocument by @pheyse24 [#2048](
94 * Fixed version parameters for Index::addDocument() by @pidera [#2050](
98 * Added support for scripted upsert on bulk requests by @dsgrillo [#1974](
99 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\CumulativeSum` by @limenet [#1987](
100 * Added `ignore_failure` option to suitable ingest processors by @deguif [#2003](
101 * Added `ignore_missing` option to `lowercase`, `remove`, `trim` and `uppercase` processors by @deguif [#2001](
102 * Added `allow_duplicates` option to `append` processor by @deguif [#2004](
103 * Added `bytes` processor by @deguif [#2008](
104 * Added `indices_boost` option to `Elastica\Query` by @deguif [#2018](
105 * Added `Elastica\Query\Terms::setBoost()` method to configure boost by @deguif [#2035](
106 * Added `Elastica\Query\TermsSet` query by @mamchyts [#2020](
107 * Added `terms_set` in query builder by @deguif [#2036](
109 [#2037](
110 [#2039](
111 * Allowed to configure a sub key when adding a param with `Elastica\Param::addParam()` by @deguif [#2030](
113 * Triggered deprecation in `Elastica\Result::getType()` method by @deguif [#2016](
114 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `3.3.2` by @deguif [#2022](
115 * Updated `composer-normalize` to `2.15.0` by @deguif [#2021](
116 * Updated `elasticsearch` test version to `7.15.2` by @deguif [#2027](
117 * Extracted setting gap policy to `\Elastica\Aggregation\Traits\GapPolicyTrait` and introduced `\Elastica\Aggregation\GapPolicyInterface` with constants for options by @stchr [#2023](
118 * Extracted setting `field` to `Elastica\Processor\Traits\FieldTrait` by @deguif [#2024](
119 * Extracted setting `target_field` to `Elastica\Processor\Traits\TargetFieldTrait` by @deguif [#2026](
120 * Simplified github action matrix for continuous integration workflow by @deguif [#2025](
122 * Deprecated `Elastica\Query\Common` class, use `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery` instead by @deguif [#2013](
123 * Deprecated `Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::common_terms()`, use `match()` instead by @deguif [#2013](
124 * Deprecated passing an `int` as 1st argument to `Elastica\Search::setOptionsAndQuery()`, pass an array with the key `size` instead by @deguif [#2010](
125 * Deprecated `cutoff_frequency` option of `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery` by @deguif [#2014](
126 * Deprecated `cutoff_frequency` option of `Elastica\Query\MultiMatch` by @deguif [#2015](
127 * Deprecated `Elastica\Bulk::toString()`, `Elastica\Bulk\Action::toString()` and `Elastica\Request::toString()` methods, use `__toString()` method or cast to string instead by @deguif [#2033](
128 * Deprecated not passing a `buckets_path` when constructing `Elastica\Aggregation\AvgBucket`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Derivative`, `Elastica\Aggregation\NormalizeAggregation`, `Elastica\Aggregation\PercentilesBucket`, `Elastica\Aggregation\SerialDiff`, `Elastica\Aggregation\StatsBucket` and `Elastica\Aggregation\SumBucket` by @deguif [#2038](
129 * Deprecated not passing a `method` when constructing `Elastica\Aggregation\NormalizeAggregation` by @deguif [#2040](
131 * Removed remaining `_type` field usages by @deguif [#2017](
132 * Removed `Elastica\Bulk::$_type` dead property by @deguif [#2034](
133 * Removed Elasticsearch old version checks in tests by @deguif [#2041](
135 * Fixed type-hint for `Elastica\Search::setOptionsAndQuery()` by @deguif [#2009](
136 * Fixed terms query params resolution by @deguif [#2032](
140 * Changed `Elastica\Exception\JSONParseException` inheritance, it now extends `\JsonException` instead of `\RuntimeException` [#1949](
142 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\NormalizeAggregation` [#1956](
143 * Added `Elastica\Suggest\Phrase::addDirectGenerator` to align with ES specification [#1964](
144 * Added support for `psr/log` 2.0 and 3.0 [#1971](
145 * Added new optional 'case_insensitive' option to `Elastica\Query\Wildcard` [#1894](
146 * Added `Elastica\Result::getSort()` fetching the "sort" property of results [#1979](
147 * Added exposure of Point-In-Time ID for search responses in `Elastica\ResultSet::getPointInTimeId()` [#1991](
148 * Added `Elastica\Index::openPointInTime()` for opening a PiT on the index [#1994](
149 * Added possibility to specify PointInTime on `Elastica\Query::setPointInTime()` [#1992](
150 * Added `Elastica\Client::closePointInTime()` for closing a PiT [#1995](
153 [#1996](
154 [#1959](
155 [#1955](
156 * Using default Elasticsearch images for testing instead of OSS
158 * Fixed compatibility with `guzzlehttp/psr7` version `2.x` [#2002](
159 * Fixed the assignment of `version`, `seq_no` and `primary_term` on `getDocument` [#1973](
163 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1941](
164 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchPhraseQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1944](
166 * Excluded `docker` directory in `.gitattributes` [#1938](
168 * Included `Content-Type` HTTP header every time, whatever the content of the body is [#1780](
169 * Changed `Elastica\Status::indexExists()`, `Elastica\Status::aliasExists()` and `Elastica\Status::getIndicesWithAlias()` signatures [#1929](
170 * Replaced `call_user_func()` and `call_user_func_array()` by direct calls [#1923](
171 * Replaced legacy constant `CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE` by `CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE` [#1931](
172 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `2.18.3` [#1915](
173 * Updated `composer-normalize` to `2.13.3` [#1927](
175 * Deprecated `Elastica\Transport\HttpAdapter` class [#1940](
176 * Deprecated `Elastica\Exception\JSONParseException` exception, catch `\JsonException` instead [#1949](
178 * Fixed wrong `ltrim` usage in guzzle transport [#1783](
179 * Fixed `_seq_no` and `_primary_term` wrong initialization [#1920](
180 * Fixed `Elastica\Connection\StrategyInterface` instance checks [#1921](
181 * Fixed various PHPDoc annotations [#1922](
182 * Fixed numeric index names are returned as `int` in `Elastica\Status::getIndexNames()` [#1928](
183 * Fixed using raw array in `post_filter` [#1950](
187 * Added a default value to `Elastica\Aggregation\Range::setKeyed()` and `Elastica\Aggregation\PercentilesBucket::setKeyed()` [#1876](
188 * Removed type-hint to `Elastica\Aggregation\Percentiles::setMissing()` argument [#1875](
189 * Allowed the Terms query to accept an array of bool, float, int and/or string [#1872](
191 * Added `auth_type` parameter in the client class config to specify the type of authentication (allowed values are `basic, digest, gssnegotiate, ntlm`) [#1790](
192 * Added `if_seq_no` / `if_primary_term` to replace `version` for [optimistic concurrency control]( [#1803](
193 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\PercentilesBucket` aggregation [#1806](
194 * Added `weighted_avg` to aggregations DSL [#1814](
195 * Added support for defining a connection pool with DSN. Example: `pool(` [#1808](
196 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\Composite` aggregation [#1804](
197 * Added `symfony/deprecation-contracts` package to handle deprecations [#1823](
198 * Added `list_syntax` CS rule [#1854](
199 * Added `native_constant_invocation` CS rule [#1833](
200 * Added `static_lambda` CS rule [#1870](
201 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\DateRange::setTimezone()` [#1847](
202 * Added endpoint options support to `Elastica\Index::create()` [#1859](
203 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram::setKeyed()` [#1876](
204 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\GeoDistance::setKeyed()` [#1876](
205 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\Histogram::setKeyed()` [#1876](
206 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\IpRange::setKeyed()` [#1876](
207 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\GeotileGridAggregation` [#1880](
208 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\Avg::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Cardinality::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\DateRange::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\ExtendedStats::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Histogram::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Max::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Min::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Stats::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Sum::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Terms::setMissing()` [#1876](
209 * Supported `guzzlehttp/guzzle` 7.x [#1816](
210 * Supported PHP 8.0 [#1794](
211 * Supported BC break on `elasticsearch/elasticsearch` version `7.4.0` [#1864](
213 * Allowed `string` such as `wait_for` to be passed to `AbstractUpdateAction::setRefresh` [#1791](
214 * Allowed float values for connection timeout and connection connect-timeout, providing ms precision for those. Previous precision was second. [#1868](
215 * Changed the return type of `AbstractUpdateAction::getRefresh` to `boolean|string` [#1791](
216 * Reviewed options handling in `Elastica\Index::create()` [#1822](
217 * Replaced deprecated `exceptions` request option by `http_errors` request option in Guzzle transport [#1817](
218 * Run coding styles check on github action [#1878](
219 * Run unit tests on github action [#1882](
220 * Run functional tests on github action [#1885](
221 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `2.16.4` [#1830](
222 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `2.16.7` [#1881](
223 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `2.17.3` [#1895](
224 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `2.18.2` [#1897](
225 * Used `GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions` constants for configuring request options [#1820](
226 * Used new alias endpoints classes [#1839](
227 * Used new cache endpoints classes [#1840](
228 * Used new ingest pipeline endpoints classes [#1834](
229 * Used new mapping endpoints classes [#1845](
230 * Used new nodes endpoints classes [#1863](
231 * Used new settings endpoints classes [#1852](
233 * Deprecated `Elastica\Aggregation\Range::setKeyedResponse()`, use `setKeyed()` instead [#1848](
234 * Deprecated `Elastica\Exception\ResponseException::getElasticsearchException()`, use `getResponse()::getFullError()` instead [#1829](
235 * Deprecated `Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Aggregation::global_agg()`, use `global()` instead [#1826](
236 * Deprecated `Elastica\Util::getParamName()` [#1832](
237 * Deprecated all Processor class names in favor of suffixed class names [#1893](
238 * Deprecated Match query class and introduced MatchQuery instead for PHP 8.0 compatibility reason [#1799](
240 * Deprecated passing `bool` or `null` as 2nd argument to `Elastica\Index::create()` [#1828](
242 * Removed HHVM proxy detection [#1818](
245 * Fixed type-hint for `Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Aggregation::sampler()` not consistent with the underlying constructor call [#1815](
246 * Fixed `Elastica\Util::toSnakeCase()` with first letter being lower cased [#1831](
247 * Fixed handling precision as string in `Elastica\Aggregation\GeohashGrid::setPrecision()` [#1884](
248 * Fixed calling `Elastica\Aggregation\Composite::addAfter()` with the `null` value [1877](
254 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\WeightedAvg` aggregation [#1770](
257 * Added missing Response information to Bulk/ResponseSet [#1776](
268 * Added `AbstractTermsAggregation::setIncludeAsExactMatch()` [#1766](
269 * Added `AbstractTermsAggregation::setExcludeAsExactMatch()` [#1766](
270 * Added `AbstractTermsAggregation::setIncludeWithPartitions()` [#1766](
271 * Added `Elastica\Reindex->setPipeline(Elastica\Pipeline $pipeline): void`. The link between the reindex and the pipeline is solved when `run()` is called, and thus the pipeline given doesn't need to be created before calling `setPipeline()` [#1752](
272 * Added `Elastica\Reindex->setRefresh(string $value): void`. It accepts `REFRESH_*` constants from its class [#1752]( and [#1758](
273 * Added `Elastica\Reindex->setQuery(Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery $query): void` [#1752](
274 * Added constants `PIPELINE`, `REFRESH_TRUE`, `REFRESH_FALSE`, `REFRESH_WAIT_FOR`, `SLICES` and `SLICES_AUTO` to `Elastica\Reindex` [#1752](
275 * Added `Elastica\Pipeline->getId(): ?string` [#1752](
276 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\ExtendedStatsBucket` aggregation [#1756](
279 * Changed `Terms::setTerms()` signature: it now accepts a list of strings only [#1765](
280 * Changed `Terms::setTermsLookup()` signature: `index`, `path` and `id` are now required arguments [#1765](
282 * Updated PHP coding standards to adhere to PSR-12 [#1760](
283 * Updated to PHPUnit v8.5 [#1759](
284 * Refactored code structure: use `src/` and `tests/` folders [#1755](
289 accessing the current item, as documented in PHP's Iterator documentation [#1749](
292 * Removed unsupported `flags` from `AbstractTermsAggregation::setInclude()` [#1766](
293 * Removed unsupported `flags` from `AbstractTermsAggregation::setExclude()` [#1766](
301 * Fix Search::count() not counting all results [#1746](
305 * Added `DiversifiedSampler` aggregation [#1735](
306 * Added `\Elastica\Query\DistanceFeature` [#1730](
307 * Added support for injecting a callable AWS credential provider to use static, cached, or custom-sourced credentials [#1667](
310 * Scroll releases previous ResultSet from memory before calling ES for next data batch [#1740](
317 * The method `Index::deleteById()` does not throw an `NotFoundException` when deleting a non-existing document [#1732](
318 * The class `\Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version240` has been moved to `\Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version700` [#1693](
319 * Dropped support for PHP 7.1 [#1703](
323 * Renamed `\Elastica\Suggest\Term` deprecated option `prefix_len` to `prefix_length` [#1707](
324 * The `\Elastica\Query\GeoPolygon::count()` method now returns the count of points passed to the filter [#1696](
325 * Fix issue in `\Elastica\Client::request()` which causes request data to not be sent to the logger [#1682](
329 * Added `geo_bounding_box`, `geo_polygon`, `match_phrase`, `match_phrase_prefix`, `match_none` to `\Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version700` [#1702](
330 * Added `\Elastica\ResultSet::getTotalHitsRelation()` to get relation for total hits [#1694](
331 * Added `Sampler` aggregation [#1688](
335 * Launched tests with PHP 7.4 [#1704](
336 * Launched local tests with PHP 7.2 by default [#1725](
337 * Added `nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value`, `no_alias_functions` CS rules [#1706](
338 * Configured `visibility_required` CS rule for constants [#1723](
339 * Added `Collapse` DSL to `QueryBuilder` [#1724](
345 * The class `\Elastica\Type\Mapping` has been moved to `\Elastica\Mapping` [#1666](
346 * The `\Elastica\Query::$_suggest` property has been renamed to `$hasSuggest` and is now private, it should not be used from extending classes [#1679](
347 * `\Elastica\Document` expects a string as ID, not an int [#1672](
348 * Removed `\Elastica\Query\GeohashCell` query, use `\Elastica\Query\GeoBoundingBox` instead [#1672](
349 * Deprecated usage of `\Elastica\Type` class, `\Elastica\Index` class must be used instead [#1666](
350 * Removed `\Elastica\Type` class, `\Elastica\Index` class must be used instead [#1666](
351 * Forced index names to string in `\Elastica\Index::__construct()` [#1666](
352 * Removed Type query `\Elastica\Query\Type` [#1666](
353 * Removed `Elastica\Type` class, `Elastica\Index` class must be used instead [#1666](
354 * Removed `type` handling from `Elastica\Search` class [#1666](
355 * Removed `type` handling from `Elastica\Bulk` and `Elastica\Bulk\Action` classes [#1666](
356 * Forced index names to string in `Elastica\Index::__construct()` [#1666](
357 * Removed Type query `Elastica\Query\Type` [#1666](
360 * Removed no longer supported \Elastica\Query\QueryString::setAutoGeneratePhraseQueries( $bool ) [#1622](
376 * Always set the Guzzle `base_uri` to support connecting to multiple ES hosts. [#1618](
377 * Properly handle underscore prefixes in options and bulk request metadata ([cf upstream]( [#1621](
378 * Preserve zeros while doing float serialization to JSON. [#1635](
385 * Added `ParentAggregation` [#1616](
387 * Added `AdjacencyMatrix` aggregation [#1642](
389 * Added support for Field Collapsing (Issue: [#1392](; PR: [#1653](
392 * Added `callable` type hinting to `$callback` in `Client` constructor. [#1659](
399 * Added `native_function_invocation` CS rule [#1606](
400 * Elasticsearch test version changed from 6.5.2 to 6.6.1 [#1620](
401 * Clear scroll context also when empty page was received [#1660](
409 * Added `BucketSelector` aggregation [#1554](
410 * Added `DerivativeAggregation` [#1553](
412 * Introduced new version of PHP-CS-Fixer and new Lint travis step. [#1555](
413 * Added `typed_keys` support for Search queries [#1603](
417 * Reduced memory footprint of response by not keeping the raw JSON data when JSON after JSON has been parsed. [#1588](
426 * Made result sets adhere to `\Iterator` interface definition that they implement. Specifically, you need to call `valid()` on the result set before calling `current()`. When using `foreach` this is done by PHP automatically. When `valid` returns false, the return value of `current` is undefined instead of false. [#1506](
433 * Added a transport class for mocking a HTTP 403 error codes, useful for testing response failures in inheriting clients [#1529](
434 * [Field]( param for `Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addRandomScoreFunction` [#1529](
435 * [Index Recovery]( : the indices recovery API provides insight into on-going index shard recoveries. It was never been implemented into Elastica. [#1537](
437 * implemented ```string_distance``` option in Term Suggestion [#1543](
441 * Using `Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addRandomScoreFunction` without `$field` parameter is deprecated since ES 6.0 and will fail since ES 7.0 [#1522](
442 * `Aggreation\Percentiles` updated to a newer version of the Algorithm (T-Digest 3.2) and Percentiles results changed a bit Have a [look at here](, so updated tests in order not to fail. [#1531]([#1352](
443 * `Aggregation\Percentiles` have been updated since [Elasticsearch 2.3]( In this version `compression, HDR histogram` changed their implementations. The `missing` field has never been implemented. [#1532](
462 * Never implemented the method *Missing* on [`Aggregation\Percentiles`]( [#1532](
468 * Added support for pipeline when indexing document. [#1455](
469 * Added support for multiple bucket sort orders for aggregations. [#1480](
471 * Added updateByQuery endpoint. [#1499](
475 * Use `source` script field instead of deprecated (since ES 5.6) `inline` field. [#1497](
476 * Updated Elasticsearch testing version to 6.2.4. [#1501](
482 - Characters "<" and ">" will be removed when a query term is passed to [`Util::escapeTerm`]( Since v5.1 the [documentation]( states that these symbols cannot be escaped ever.
489 * Added request parameters to `Client->deleteDocuments()`. [#1419](
490 * Added request parameters to `Type->updateDocuments()`, `Type->addDocuments()`, `Type->addObjects()`, `Index->addDocuments()`, `Index->updateDocuments()`. [#1427](
491 * Added avg_bucket() and sum_bucket() in aggregations [PR#1443]( - (
492 * Added support for [terms lookup mechanism]( on terms query [#1452](
498 - Return the [_source of inner hit nested]( as is without wrapping it into its full path context [#1398](
499 - Removed CrossIndex Class as from now use Reindex. [#1411](
516 - In ES6 only [strict type boolean]( are accepted. [On ES6 docs](
519 - Replace IndexAlreadyExistsException with [ResourceAlreadyExistsException]( [#1350](
520 - in order to delete an index you should not delete by its alias now you should delete using the [concrete index name]( [#1348](
521 - Removed ```optimize``` from Index class as it has been deprecated in ES 2.1 and removed in [ES 5.x+]( use forcemerge [#1351](
522 - In QueryString is not allowed to use fields parameters in conjunction with default_field parameter. This is not well documented, it's possibile to understand from [Elasticsearch tests :]( [#1352](
523 - Index mapping field of type [*'string'*]( has been removed from Elasticsearch 6.0 codebase [#1353](
524 - The [created and found]( fields in index and delete responses became obsolete after the introduction of the result field in index, update and delete responses [#1354](
525 - Removed file scripts [#24627]( [#1364](
526 - Removed [groovy script]( [#1364](
527 - Removed [native script]( [#1364](
528 - Removed old / removed script language support : javascript, python, mvel [#1364](
529 - Disable [_all]( by default, disallow configuring _all on 6.0+ indices [#1365](
530 - [Unfiltered nested source]( should keep its full path [#1366](
531 - The deprecated minimum_number_should_match parameter in the bool query has been removed, use minimum_should_match instead. [#1369](
532 - For geo_distance queries, sorting, and aggregations the sloppy_arc option has been removed from the distance_type parameter. [#1369](
533 - The geo_distance_range query, which was deprecated in 5.0, has been removed. [#1369](
534 - The optimize_bbox parameter has been removed from geo_distance queries. [#1369](
535 - The disable_coord parameter of the bool and common_terms queries has been removed. If provided, it will be ignored and issue a deprecation warning. [#1369](
536 - [Unfiltered nested source]( should keep its full path [#1366](
537 - [Analyze Explain]( no more support [request parameters](, use request body instead. [#1370](
538 - [Mapper Attachment plugin has been removed]( Use Ingest-attachment plugin and attachment processors with pipeline to ingest new documents. [#1375](
539 - [Indices]( Query has been removed in Elasticsearch 6.0 [#1376](
540 - Remove deprecated [type and slop]( field in match query [#1382](
541 - Remove [several parse field]( deprecations in query builders [#1382](
542 - Remove [deprecated parameters]( from ids_query [#1382](
543 - Implemented [join-datatype]( is a special field that creates parent/child relation within documents of the same index. [#1383](
546 - Enforce [Content-Type requirement on the layer Rest](, a [PR on Elastica #1301]( solved it (it has been implemented only in the HTTP Transport), but it was not implemented in the Guzzle Transport. [#1349](
551 - Added `Query\SpanContaining`, `Query\SpanWithin` and `Query\SpanNot` [#1319](
552 - Implemented [Pipeline]( and [Processors]( [#1373](
553 - In PHP 7.2 count() now raises a warning when an invalid parameter is passed. Only arrays and objects implementing the Countable interface should be passed. [#1378](
560 - Removed `Query\NumericRange`, use `Query\Range` instead [#1334](
564 - Send the `scroll_id` inside a json body instead of plain text [#1325](
567 - Added getNumberOfReplicas() for index settings [PR#1324](
568 - Added getNumberOfShards() for index settings [PR#1321](
570 - Added avg_bucket() and sum_bucket() in aggregations [PR#1443]( - (
578 - Fix updating settings of an index. [#1296](
580 - Fix bad parameter value to refresh document [#1318](
603 The getters now return the right bool value for whichever string representation is used like 'true', '1', 'on', 'yes'. [#1251](
604 - Fix for QueryBuilder version check `\Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version240.php` added all new query types to queries array. [#1266]( [#1269](
605 - Do not modify the original query in `\Elastica\Search::count`. [#1276](
609 - Added `\Elastica\Client::requestEndpoint`, `\Elastica\Index::requestEndpoint`, `\Elastica\Type::requestEndpoint` that allow make requests with official client Endpoint usage. [#1275](
610 - Added `\Elastica\Aggregation\GeoBounds` that computes the bounding box containing all geo_point values for a field. [#1271](
611 - Added `\Elastica\Query\MatchNone` the inverse of MatchAll. [#1276](
615 - added support for the "explain" flag of AnalyzeAPI [#1254](
616 - added support for the "request_cache" search option [#1243](
617 - skip sending "retry_on_conflict=0" default query param to improve compatibility with Amazon Elasticsearch [#1047](
618 - optimized `\Elastica\Scroll` to avoid one request [#1273](
619 - Update elasticsearch-php dependency to 5.2.0 [#1245](
620 - Update elasticsearch testing dependency to 5.2.2 [#1245](
627 Use `prefix_length` & `min_word_length` instead [#1282](
628 Use `\Elastica\Exception\ResponseException::getResponse::getFullError` instead. [#1251](
776 - Elastica\Client constructor now accepts a transport of fully qualified name. [#1169](
786 - Removed `int` type hinting in `setMinimumMatch` (`Terms` Query): it should also allow `string`. [#1151](
790 - Elastica\Aggregation\GeoCentroid [#1150](
792 - Elastica\Client::getVersion [#1152](
793 - Added support for terminate_after parameter in search queries [#1168](
797 - Get the root reason from Elasticsearch's error JSON, when available [#1111](
798 - Optimize memory usage for Http Adapter [#1161](
809 - Fix fatal error on `Query::addScriptField()` if scripts were already set via `setScriptFields()` [#1086](
810 - Fix namespace collision of `Type` in `Query\Ids` [#1104](
813 - Added the concept of ResultSet Transformers. The Transformer adds more information to a Result, for example the original object or data that created the Result. [#1066](
819 - Method \Elastica\ResultSet::create and property \Elastica\ResultSet::$class were removed. To change the ResultSet class, implement your own ResultSet Builder. [#1065](
820 - Properties on \Elastica\ResultSet _totalHits, _maxScore, _took and _timedOut that were originally set on object construction are now accessed by the getters on the ResultSet. [#1065](
826 - Update elasticsearch build dependency to elasticsearch 2.3.2 [#1084](
829 - `Elastica\Type->deleteByQuery($query, $options)` $query param can be a query `array` again [#1073](
830 - `Elastica\Client->connect()` allows to establish a connection to ES server when the config was set using method `Elastica\Client->setConfigValue()` [#1077](
831 - Elastica\Client constructor now accepts a LoggerInterface and will log both successful and failed requests. [#1069](
834 - Configuring the logger in \Elastica\Client $config constructor is deprecated and will be removed. Use the $logger argument instead. [#1069](
835 - Extracted creation of ResultSet objects to a new dedicated ResultSet\Builder implementation. [#1065](
836 - All properties in the \Elastica\ResultSet class will be moved to private in 4.0. To manipulate the creation of a ResultSet, implement the \Elastica\ResultSet\BuilderInterface and pass your new Builder to the \Elastica\Search instances. [#1065](
842 - Add an "AwsAuthV4" transport that automatically signs requests using credentials from the environment or from the client config. This allows using Elastica with Amazon ElasticSearch Service domains that are restricted to IAM roles or policies. [#1056](
851 - `Elastica\Status` will lazy load the `_stats` at when it is needed.
867 - Elastica\AbstractScript|Script|ScriptFile|ScriptFields deprecated in favor of Elastica\Script|AbstractScript|Script|ScriptFile|ScriptFields [#1028](
873 - Update build dependency to elasticsearch 2.1.1 [#1022](
874 - Readd \Elastica\Filter\Nested. See [#1020](
883 - Function score query: corrected the `score_method` `average` to `avg` [#975](
884 - Set `json_decode()` assoc parameter to true in `Elastica\Response` [#1005](
885 - Add `bigintConversion` to keys passed to connection config in `Elastica\Client` [#1005](
961 - Filters aggregation: empty name is named bucket [#935](
962 - Prevent mix keys in filters ([#936]( [#939](
963 - Fix empty string is not anonymous filter [#935](
964 - Filters aggregation: empty name is named bucket [#935](
967 - Support for field_value_factor [#953](
968 - Added setMinDocCount and setExtendedBounds options [#947](
969 - Avoid environment dependecies in tests [#938](
972 - Update elasticsearch dependency to elasticsearch 1.7.3 [#957](
984 as argument. [#916](
987 - Add Script File feature [#902]( [#914](
991 - Introduction of Lazy toArray [#916](
992 - Update Elasticsearch dependency to 1.7.2 [#929](
1000 - Support for index template added [#905](
1003 - Update Elasticsearch dependency to 1.7.1 and update plugin dependencies [#909](
1004 - Update php-cs-fixer to 1.10 [#898](
1005 - Elastica\QueryBuilder now uses Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Latest as default version to avoid empty version classes. [#897](
1006 - Update elasticsearch-image to work with ES 1.7.1 [#907](
1007 - Local dev environment was refactored to fully work in docker environment. Running tests is now only one command: `make tests` [#901](
1010 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version150 deprecated in favor of Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Latest [#897](
1017 - Usage of constant DEBUG and method Elastica\Util::debugEnabled is removed. [#868](
1018 - Elastica\Response::getTransferInfo will not return "request_header" by default. [#868](
1022 - Fixed segmentation fault in PHP7 [#868](
1023 - Removed deprecation for Elastica\Type::deleteByQuery [#875](
1026 - `CallbackStrategy` now will accept any `callable` as callback, not only instance of `Closure`. [#871](
1027 - `StrategyFactory` now will try to find predefined strategy before looking to global namespace. [#877](
1030 - Methods of classes in `QueryBuilder\DSL` namespace now have exact same signatures as corresponding constructors. [#878](
1031 - Constructor of `Aggregation\Filter` now accepts filter as second parameter [#878](
1032 - Constructor of `Filter\AbstractMulti` (`BoolAnd`, `BooldOr`) now accepts array of filters as parameter [#878](
1033 - Constructor of `Query\Match` now accepts arguments [#878](
1034 - Coverage Reporting improved with Codecov [#888](
1035 - Added 'query_cache' option for search [#886](
1044 - Support for retrieving id node [#852](
1047 - Introduce PHP7 compatibility and tests. [#837](
1048 - `Tool\CrossIndex` for reindexing and copying data and mapping between indices [#853](
1049 - file added for contributor guidelines. [#854](
1053 - Make host for all tests dynamic to prepare it for a more dynamic test environment [#846](
1054 - Node information is retrieved based on id instead of name as multiple nodes can have the same name. [#852](
1065 - Facets are deprecated. You are encouraged to migrate to aggregations instead. [#855](
1066 - Elastica\Query\Builder is deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead. [#855](
1067 - For PHP 7 compatibility Elastica\Query\Bool was renamed to *\BoolQuery, Elastica\Filter\Bool was renamed to BoolFilter, Elastica\Transport\Null was renamed to NullTransport as Null and Bool are reserved phrases in PHP 7. Proxy objects for all three exist to keep backward compatibility. It is recommended to start using the new objects as the proxy classes will be deprecated as soon as PHP 7 is stable. [#837](
1334 - Remove CustomFiltersScore and CustomScore query as removed in elasticsearch 1.1.0
1335 - Update Node Info to use plugins instead of plugin (