Lines Matching refs:plugin

538 - [Mapper Attachment plugin has been removed]( Use Ingest-attachment plugin and attachment processors with pipeline to ingest new documents. [#1375](
695 - Remove Elastica/Query/Image.php and test/Elastica/Query/ImageTest.php, no more support for image-plugin.
933 - DeleteByQuery now requires the delete-by-query plugin isntalled
1003 - Update Elasticsearch dependency to 1.7.1 and update plugin dependencies [#909](
1029 - All elasticsearch plugin dependencies were updated to the newest version.
1154 - Since new version of thrift plugin is compatible with ES 1.3.4, plugin added back to test environment
1275 - Update travis to elasticsearch 1.2.1, disable Thrift plugin as not compatible and fix incompatible tests
1335 - Update Node Info to use plugins instead of plugin (
1398 - Update to elasticsearch 1.0.1. Update Thrift and Geocluster plugin.
1431 - Update mapper-attachments plugin to version 2.0.0.RC1 in .travis.yml
1433 - Prevent the geocluster-facet plugin from being installed in test/bin/ as the plugin has not yet been updated for ES 1.0.0.RC1
1571 - Skip geocluster-facet test if the plugin is not installed
1727 - Added Thrift transport. Ir requires installing munkie/elasticsearch-thrift-php package and elasticsearch-tranport-thrift plugin should be installed in elastcisearch