Lines Matching refs:options

117 * Extracted setting gap policy to `\Elastica\Aggregation\Traits\GapPolicyTrait` and introduced `\Elastica\Aggregation\GapPolicyInterface` with constants for options by @stchr [#2023](
202 * Added endpoint options support to `Elastica\Index::create()` [#1859](
216 * Reviewed options handling in `Elastica\Index::create()` [#1822](
225 * Used `GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions` constants for configuring request options [#1820](
239 * Deprecated `version`/`version_type` options [(deprecated in `6.7.0`)]( and added `if_seq_no` / `if_primary_term` that replaced it
377 * Properly handle underscore prefixes in options and bulk request metadata ([cf upstream]( [#1621](
386 * Elastica\Reindex missing options (script, remote, wait_for_completion, scroll...)
642 - `\Elastica\Query\MatchPhrase` and `\Elastica\Query\MatchPhrasePrefix` do not extend `\Elastica\Query\Match` anymore because they do not share exactly the same options
677 - Query options such as "timeout" or "terminate_after" should not be ignored when using Multi\Search
691 - Replace flush refresh param with a options array
829 - `Elastica\Type->deleteByQuery($query, $options)` $query param can be a query `array` again [#1073](
849 - `Elastica\Index->deleteByQuery($query, $options)` $query param can be a query `array` again
968 - Added setMinDocCount and setExtendedBounds options [#947](
1043 - Support for 'precision_threshold' and 'rehash' options for the Cardinality Aggregation [#851]
1124 - Added availability to specify regexp options in \Elastica\Filters\Regexp [#583]( [#777](
1213 - Accept an options array at Type::updateDocument() [#686](
1345 - Support for Terms filter lookup options [#579](
1367 - Percolate existing documents and add percolate options ([#570](
1373 - Added missing query options for MultiMatch (operator, minimum_should_match, zero_terms_query, cutoff_frequency, type, fuzziness, prefix_length, max_expansions, analyzer) [#569](
1374 - Added missing query options for Match (zero_terms_query, cutoff_frequency) [#569](
1401 - Add JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE and JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES options in Elastica/Transport/Http, Elastica/Bulk/Action [#559](
1721 - Populate updated fields in document on Client::updateDocument() call if fields options is set
1762 - Added options parameter to Elastica_Type::getDocument()