Lines Matching refs:only

263 * The `Wildcard::setValue()` changed its signature: use it to set the value of the wildcard query only.
279 * Changed `Terms::setTerms()` signature: it now accepts a list of strings only [#1765](
516 - In ES6 only [strict type boolean]( are accepted. [On ES6 docs](
518 - [store]( field only accepts boolean
546 - Enforce [Content-Type requirement on the layer Rest](, a [PR on Elastica #1301]( solved it (it has been implemented only in the HTTP Transport), but it was not implemented in the Guzzle Transport. [#1349](
673 - Updated Elastica\Test\TypeTest::testGetDocumentWithFieldsSelection The stored_fields parameter will only return stored fields — it will no longer extract values from the _source
1007 - Local dev environment was refactored to fully work in docker environment. Running tests is now only one command: `make tests` [#901](
1026 - `CallbackStrategy` now will accept any `callable` as callback, not only instance of `Closure`. [#871](
1546 - Adapted possible values (not only in) for minimum_should_match param based on elasticsearch documetnation
1810 - Node info call update. The receive os info and more, param is needed. By default, only basics are returned
1832 - Read only feature for cluster and index added. This feature is elasticsearch >0.19.0 only. ES 0.19.0 release is not out yet