Lines Matching refs:is

4 The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
42 * Fixed `Response` to prevent throwing JSONParseException when the response is empty.
71 * Removed `egeloen/http-adapter` as suggested package since the project is abandoned by @franmomu [#2069](
168 * Included `Content-Type` HTTP header every time, whatever the content of the body is [#1780](
271 * Added `Elastica\Reindex->setPipeline(Elastica\Pipeline $pipeline): void`. The link between the reindex and the pipeline is solved when `run()` is called, and thus the pipeline given doesn't need to be created before calling `setPipeline()` [#1752](
288 * Scroll is now throwing an exception when calling `current()` on an invalid iteration: always call `valid()` before
346 * The `\Elastica\Query::$_suggest` property has been renamed to `$hasSuggest` and is now private, it should not be used from extending classes [#1679](
365 * is now an object in the search response [](
369 * Elastica\Client `$_config` field is now a `ClientConfiguration` instead of an array
371 * Changed all factory methods to make use of [late static bindings]( by using `static` instead of `self` keyword. This is to increase extendability for classes with factory methods.
408 * The preferred type name is [_doc](, so that index APIs have the same path as they will have in 7.0
411 * The preferred type name is [_doc](, so that index APIs have the same path as they will have in 7.0
426 * Made result sets adhere to `\Iterator` interface definition that they implement. Specifically, you need to call `valid()` on the result set before calling `current()`. When using `foreach` this is done by PHP automatically. When `valid` returns false, the return value of `current` is undefined instead of false. [#1506](
441 * Using `Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addRandomScoreFunction` without `$field` parameter is deprecated since ES 6.0 and will fail since ES 7.0 [#1522](
482 - Characters "<" and ">" will be removed when a query term is passed to [`Util::escapeTerm`]( Since v5.1 the [documentation]( states that these symbols cannot be escaped ever.
485 - Fix [#1456]( set SSL as connection scheme if it is required
498 - Return the [_source of inner hit nested]( as is without wrapping it into its full path context [#1398](
522 - In QueryString is not allowed to use fields parameters in conjunction with default_field parameter. This is not well documented, it's possibile to understand from [Elasticsearch tests :]( [#1352](
543 - Implemented [join-datatype]( is a special field that creates parent/child relation within documents of the same index. [#1383](
553 - In PHP 7.2 count() now raises a warning when an invalid parameter is passed. Only arrays and objects implementing the Countable interface should be passed. [#1378](
603 The getters now return the right bool value for whichever string representation is used like 'true', '1', 'on', 'yes'. [#1251](
624 - Deprecated `\Elastica\Exception\ElasticsearchException` which is irrelevant since Elasticsearch now exposes the errors as a structured array instead of a single string.
643 - Removed the `routing` option in `\Elastica\Index::create` because there is no routing param when creating an index. So that option was doing nothing so far but fails in Elasticearch 5.0 because the non-existing query param is validated.
651 - Date math in index names is now escaped in URI
660 - Deprecated functionality that is also deprecated in Elasticsearch 5.0:
667 - `\Elastica\Transport\Null` is deprecated because null is a reserved class name in PHP 7. Use `\Elastica\Transport\NullTransport` instead.
700 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_zone" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead
701 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "post_zone" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead.
702 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_zone_adjust_large_interval" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead.
703 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_offset" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "offset" instead.
704 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "post_offset" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "offset" instead.
706 - Remove Elastica\Document::setScript() is no longer available as of 0.90.2. See to migrate.
707 - Remove Elastica\Document::getScript() is no longer available as of 0.90.2. See to migrate.
708 - Remove Elastica\Document::hasScript() is no longer available as of 0.90.2. See to migrate.
714 - Remove Elastica\Query Option "percent_terms_to_match" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "minimum_should_match" instead.
715 - Remove Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query "More Like This Field" query is deprecated as of ES 1.4. Use MoreLikeThis query instead.
716 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_position as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
717 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_response as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
718 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_query as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
719 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_results as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
723 - Removed Elastica\Type::delete() It is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should delete the index and recreate it with the new mappings.
727 - Remove Elastica\ScanAndScroll and test, Scan search type is removed from ElasticSearch 5.0.
730 - Remove search_type=count as it is removed in Elasticsearch 5.0
749 - Updated some Script function to use groovy as now default scripting is painless
768 - Query builder is now compatible with Elasticsearch 2.X
785 - Set HTTP headers on each request preventing server error if persistent connection is enabled and compression enabled and later disabled for the same connection.
834 - Configuring the logger in \Elastica\Client $config constructor is deprecated and will be removed. Use the $logger argument instead. [#1069](
851 - `Elastica\Status` will lazy load the `_stats` at when it is needed.
898 - Elastica\Query\Filtered triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use BoolQuery instead.
899 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::filtered() triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use bool() instead.
909 - Elastica\Type::delete now throw DeprecatedException, it is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should delete the index and recreate it with the new mappings
910 - MoreLikeThis::setLikeText deprecated from ES 2.0, use setLike instead, but there is a difference - setLike haven't trim magic inside for strings
926 All is based on docker containers now
934 - Remove \Elastica\Filter\Nested as it is replaced by \Elastica\Query\Nested
941 - Elastica\Reponse::getErrorMessage was added as getError is now an object
949 - DeprecatedException will be thrown, if there is a call of method that not support BC
952 - Elastica\Type::delete is deprecated
953 - Elastica\Filter\Bool is deprecated
954 - Elastica\Query\Bool is deprecated
955 - Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setLikeText is deprecated
956 - Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setIds is deprecated
961 - Filters aggregation: empty name is named bucket [#935](
963 - Fix empty string is not anonymous filter [#935](
964 - Filters aggregation: empty name is named bucket [#935](
982 - Objects do not casts to arrays in setters and saved in params as objects. There is many side effects if
1007 - Local dev environment was refactored to fully work in docker environment. Running tests is now only one command: `make tests` [#901](
1017 - Usage of constant DEBUG and method Elastica\Util::debugEnabled is removed. [#868](
1019 - The Image Plugin is currently not compatible with Elasticearch 1.6.0
1054 - Node information is retrieved based on id instead of name as multiple nodes can have the same name. [#852](
1066 - Elastica\Query\Builder is deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead. [#855](
1067 - For PHP 7 compatibility Elastica\Query\Bool was renamed to *\BoolQuery, Elastica\Filter\Bool was renamed to BoolFilter, Elastica\Transport\Null was renamed to NullTransport as Null and Bool are reserved phrases in PHP 7. Proxy objects for all three exist to keep backward compatibility. It is recommended to start using the new objects as the proxy classes will be deprecated as soon as PHP 7 is stable. [#837](
1154 - Since new version of thrift plugin is compatible with ES 1.3.4, plugin added back to test environment
1166 - making sure id is urlencoded when using updateDocument [#734](
1231 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setFilter() is deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() instead. [#669](
1232 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() passing filter as array is deprecated. Pass instance of AbstractFilter instead. [#669](
1500 - Escape slash in Util::escapeTerm, as it is used for regexp from Elastic 0.90
1511 - Remove boost from FunctionScore::addFunction because this is not supported by elasticsearch
1522 - Remove facets param from query if is empty array
1571 - Skip geocluster-facet test if the plugin is not installed
1600 - Second param to \Elastica\Search.php:count($query = '', $fullResult = false) added. If second param is set to true, full ResultSet is returned including facets.
1645 - Update .travis.yml to use Elasticsearch version 0.9.1, as bulk update is a new feature in 0.9.1.
1667 if use Elastica\Log inside Elastica\Client nothing more is needed
1703 - Added factory for transports that is used by the Connection class
1721 - Populate updated fields in document on Client::updateDocument() call if fields options is set
1724 - Added serialization support. Objects can be added to elastica directly when a serializer callable is configured on \Elastica\Type
1776 - Change Elastica_Filter_GeoDistance::__construct(), accepts geohash parameter (BC break, before: ($key, $latitude, $longitude, $distance), after: ($key, $location, $distance) where $location is array('lat' => $latitude, 'lon' => $longitude) or a geohash)
1810 - Node info call update. The receive os info and more, param is needed. By default, only basics are returned
1811 - Release v0.19.0.0 which is compatible with ES 0.19.0
1832 - Read only feature for cluster and index added. This feature is elasticsearch >0.19.0 only. ES 0.19.0 release is not out yet
1847 - Rename Elastica_Type::getType() to Elastica_Type::getName(), getType() is now deprecated
1941 - Release tag v0.17.2.0 added. Elastica is compatible with elasticsearch 0.17.2
1955 - Release tag v0.17.0.0 added. Elastica is compatible with elasticsearch 0.17.0
1986 - getMergePolicyMergeFactor and getRefreshInterval to Elastica_Type_Settings added. If no value is set, default values are returned
2011 - setRawArguments in Elastica_Query is now setParam
2034 - getIndexName in Elastica_Index renamed to getName. getIndexName is deprecated