Lines Matching refs:index

148 * Added `Elastica\Index::openPointInTime()` for opening a PiT on the index [#1994](
182 * Fixed numeric index names are returned as `int` in `Elastica\Status::getIndexNames()` [#1928](
280 * Changed `Terms::setTermsLookup()` signature: `index`, `path` and `id` are now required arguments [#1765](
351 * Forced index names to string in `\Elastica\Index::__construct()` [#1666](
356 * Forced index names to string in `Elastica\Index::__construct()` [#1666](
408 * The preferred type name is [_doc](, so that index APIs have the same path as they will have in 7.0
411 * The preferred type name is [_doc](, so that index APIs have the same path as they will have in 7.0
435 * [Index Recovery]( : the indices recovery API provides insight into on-going index shard recoveries. It was never been implemented into Elastica. [#1537](
517 - removed analyzed/not_analyzed on [indices mapping](
520 - in order to delete an index you should not delete by its alias now you should delete using the [concrete index name]( [#1348](
522 - In QueryString is not allowed to use fields parameters in conjunction with default_field parameter. This is not well documented, it's possibile to understand from [Elasticsearch tests :]( [#1352](
524 - The [created and found]( fields in index and delete responses became obsolete after the introduction of the result field in index, update and delete responses [#1354](
543 - Implemented [join-datatype]( is a special field that creates parent/child relation within documents of the same index. [#1383](
567 - Added getNumberOfReplicas() for index settings [PR#1324](
568 - Added getNumberOfShards() for index settings [PR#1321](
578 - Fix updating settings of an index. [#1296](
584 - Parameter `filter_path` for response filtering (e.g. `$index->search($query, ['filter_path' => 'hits.hits._source'])`)
602 - Fix reading bool index settings like `\Elastica\Index\Settings::getBlocksWrite`. Elasticsearch returns all settings as strings and does not normalize bool values.
643 - Removed the `routing` option in `\Elastica\Index::create` because there is no routing param when creating an index. So that option was doing nothing so far but fails in Elasticearch 5.0 because the non-existing query param is validated.
645 - repoint `\Elastica\Type::exists` from the deprecated /{index}/{type} endpoint to /{index}/_mapping/{type}
651 - Date math in index names is now escaped in URI
697 - Remove index.merge.policy.merge_factor, and set/get MergePolicy as it looks deprecated from ES 1.6
723 - Removed Elastica\Type::delete() It is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should delete the index and recreate it with the new mappings.
823 - Fix php notice on `\Elastica\Index::getAliases()` if index has no aliases [#1078](
909 - Elastica\Type::delete now throw DeprecatedException, it is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should delete the index and recreate it with the new mappings
1000 - Support for index template added [#905](
1199 - Updated Type::getDocument() exception handling. \Elastica\Exception\ResponseException will be thrown instead of \Elastica\Exception\NotFoundException if the ES response contains any error (i.e: Missing index) (BC break) [#687](
1303 - Fix get settings on alaised index [#608](
1329 - Fix Type::getMapping when using an aliased index [#588](
1446 - Fix _bulk delete proxy methods if type or index not explicitly defined.
1832 - Read only feature for cluster and index added. This feature is elasticsearch >0.19.0 only. ES 0.19.0 release is not out yet
1933 - Elastica_Index_Settings::set/get response updated. get('...') does not require 'index.' in front anymore
1970 - Support for multiple index, type queries and _all queries added through Elastica_Search object
1975 - Elastica_Index::setNumberOfShards removed as not supported after creating index
2012 - open / close for index added